Trump Says Ukraine Call Was ‘Perfectly Fine and Routine’ Trump Says Ukraine Call Was ‘Perfectly Fine and Routine’
Yes, of course, I discussed Biden’s son, And, like everything else I have done As I manage this well-oiled machine, It was perfectly fine and routine. Yes, of course, Stormy Daniel…
Oct 1, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Take a Ride on the Trump Spin Cycle Take a Ride on the Trump Spin Cycle
Crime, lie, repeat.
Oct 1, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow

Fascist Celebrity Rehab Fascist Celebrity Rehab
What are collaborators to do when their career is on the line? They get by with a little help from their friends.
Sep 25, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow

New Air Force Anthem New Air Force Anthem
“Air Force says it sent crews to Trump’s Scottish resort up to 40 times.” —Politico Off we go into the wild blue yonder, Foreign threats ready to quell. As we fly, we begin to pon…
Sep 24, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Trump’s Lies Are Getting Even Worse Trump’s Lies Are Getting Even Worse
We can barely remember what last week’s scandal was, and that’s a real problem.
Sep 17, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow

His Trusty Sharpie Pen His Trusty Sharpie Pen
Mistaken on the path the storm might take, Unable to acknowledge a mistake, He got a map of Dorian, and then He fixed it with his trusty Sharpie pen. So, soon will he show pictures…
Sep 17, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

President Trump vs. an Asteroid President Trump vs. an Asteroid
Good thing there’s nothing more important going on we should all be paying attention to.
Sep 10, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow