Welcome Herman Cain Welcome Herman Cain
The late-night comics make it plain They’re thrilled to have back Herman Cain— Reminding us of days more sane, When folks like Herman would campaign For posts we knew they’d not ob…
Apr 22, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Fully Booked Fully Booked
Trump, at the southern border, says to would-be immigrants, “We’re full.” —News reports “We’re full,” Trump said, as if he ran An inn that’s booked up for the night. Those empty ro…
Apr 15, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Electoral College Bound Electoral College Bound
Amending the constitution—that’s unconstitutional!
Apr 9, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow

Who’s Going to Tell Trump? Who’s Going to Tell Trump?
Breaking: A report from inside the White House reveals infighting among advisers, consternation over Norwegian socialism, and the importance of chocolate milkshakes.
Apr 4, 2019 / Calvin Trillin

Odd Reasoning Odd Reasoning
“Trump to cut millions in aid to 3 Central American countries.” —The Washington Post The surge of migrants comes from countries where Conditions are, to say the least, adverse. So…
Apr 4, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Low Point? Low Point?
Is what Trump said of John McCain As low as low can get? No. Knowing Trump, it’s likely that We ain’t seen nothing yet.
Mar 28, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The College-Admissions Scandal The College-Admissions Scandal
Admissions advantages rich kids enjoy Were hardly sufficient for one wealthy faction. Through cheating and bribing they paid to create Their very own form of affirmative action.
Mar 21, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Life in the Stupidverse Continues Life in the Stupidverse Continues
Another week with Donald Trump and his merry band of idiots.
Mar 19, 2019 / Tom Tomorrow

Who’s the Dummy? Who’s the Dummy?
A wall, Trump says, will keep us safe From every scary Guatemalan. And count on Fox to back him up, Like Pravda always backed up Stalin. But Pravda got the party line That it was o…
Mar 15, 2019 / Column / Calvin Trillin