Kavanaugh’s Testimony Kavanaugh’s Testimony
He whined, he bullied and he wept— Behaving like an unhinged lout. The White House saw a grand display— Judicial temperament throughout.
Oct 4, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin

A Very ‘Shouty’ Judicial Committee Hearing A Very ‘Shouty’ Judicial Committee Hearing
So many loud, angry men.
Oct 2, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow

Trump on Reporting a Sexual Assault Trump on Reporting a Sexual Assault
She didn’t file a police report When claims were fresh and could be tracked. And, by the way, the same is true Of all those chicks that I attacked.
Sep 27, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin

White House Revelations White House Revelations
It’s all just a plot by the “deep state,” he says, To bring down a man who they always have hated. These leakers of course were appointed by him. He faces a deep state that he has…
Sep 14, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Comparison Comparison
“Trump Rejected Plans for a White House Statement Praising John McCain.” —Headline, The Washington Post One person’s a hero for how he endured The hell with which he was beset. T…
Aug 30, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Truth Isn’t Truth! Truth Isn’t Truth!
The mobster-in-chief continues to weave a web of...truths?
Aug 28, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow

Stand Up for the Sanctity of Unborn Life… Stand Up for the Sanctity of Unborn Life…
...and slut-shame all the full-grown women!
Aug 21, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow

If Collusion Is in the Eye of the Beholder… If Collusion Is in the Eye of the Beholder…
…then the person observing gets to decide what collusion is, right?
Aug 14, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow