How to Qualify for a Seat on the Supreme Court How to Qualify for a Seat on the Supreme Court
Step 1: Be a relatable dad.
Jul 17, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
What Is Actually Happening? What Is Actually Happening?
Possible explanations for the current moment include: This is political satire, this is hell, or this is America.
Jul 10, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
Well-Oiled Trump Machine Gets to Work on Family Separation Well-Oiled Trump Machine Gets to Work on Family Separation
It’s all about that MAGA!
Jun 26, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
Obama Envy Obama Envy
(Or, Why Isn’t Orange the New Black?) How great am I? As great as one can be. So why do they admire him, not me? The phony press keeps saying he’s got class, Implying I’m a blimp-l…
Jun 21, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Satire Now Dead in the Age of Trump Satire Now Dead in the Age of Trump
Telling it straight is already crazy.
Jun 19, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
Political Horticulture Political Horticulture
Since one of his administration’s features Is quite a large supply of swamp-like creatures, Perhaps he thinks he’ll make this swamp a garden By offering each miscreant a pardon. T…
Jun 7, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Unbelievable Trump: Smashing Daily Briefings The Unbelievable Trump: Smashing Daily Briefings
It hard job, being president.
Jun 5, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
Nazis? Or Just Really Big Racists? Nazis? Or Just Really Big Racists?
Trump supporters can’t handle the name-calling.
May 29, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
Drain the Swamp! Drain the Swamp! Drain the Swamp! Drain the Swamp!
This metaphor for cleaning up DC Has now become a Trumpian refrain. The task is getting harder day by day, With Trump appointees clogging up the drain.
May 24, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin