Trump’s America: Spot the Mistakes Trump’s America: Spot the Mistakes
Iran, Giuliani, Cohen and more!
May 21, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
It’s a Witch Hunt! It’s a Witch Hunt!
Or Some witchlike people have disguises that May cover up a black and pointy hat. The one nabbed first of all, to Trump’s chagrin, Was “Lock Her Up” adviser Michael Flynn. Then Man…
May 10, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Disheartened Trump Can’t Get ‘Fox & Friends’ to Hear What He’s Saying Disheartened Trump Can’t Get ‘Fox & Friends’ to Hear What He’s Saying
It’s sad!
May 1, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
John Bolton Replaces H.R. McMaster John Bolton Replaces H.R. McMaster
We’ve said our farewells to McMaster, Who all hoped would stave off disaster. We’ve now got in charge A nutcase at large. The end of the world may come faster.
Apr 19, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Letters From the May 14, 2018, Issue Letters From the May 14, 2018, Issue
A worthy tribute… Beyond the border of cruelty… What took so long?…
Apr 19, 2018 / Our Readers
Diehard Gun Nut Definitely Has the Answer to Gun Debate Diehard Gun Nut Definitely Has the Answer to Gun Debate
How could guns be responsible for gun violence?
Apr 10, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow
Laura Ingraham Picks On Parkland High School Student Laura Ingraham Picks On Parkland High School Student
Perhaps she’s now embraced the cause Of feminism fully— Confirming you don’t have to be A male to be a bully.
Apr 5, 2018 / Column / Calvin Trillin