Business Experience Business Experience
Last week, Mitt Romney floated an idea at a campaign rally in Las Vegas: the future president should be required to have three years of business experience before serving in office. —The Washington Post Experience in business is vital, said Mitt— Three years at the least, in the plan he unveiled. Though Truman’s accomplishments seem to suggest The business in question would have to have failed.
Jun 6, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Bain of Mitt Romney’s Existence The Bain of Mitt Romney’s Existence
He’s running on all of his triumphs at Bain, But some say the Democrats ought to refrain From saying Bain’s gain was at times inhumane (Because of its strategy aiming to drain A company’s treasure, no matter what pain Is caused to the workers whom it won’t retain). Yes, Bain did some good, its defenders explain: Some pension funds shared in its capital gain. So vulture’s a label for Mitt they disdain— Though buzzard’s OK, and is just as germane.
May 30, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright: Reprise Barack Obama and Jeremiah Wright: Reprise
A black divine named Jeremiah Wright Preached scary sermons some would like to cite. They say Obama’s even now Wright’s knight— A Christian pastor’s Muslim acolyte. It’s one way to remind us he’s not white. If this won’t work, there’re other things that might. The Super PACs will find a way. Sit tight.
May 23, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Ohio Ohio
(A 2012 version of the Wonderful Town classic) With the rest of the states either solidly red or solidly blue, the election will be decided in nine or ten swing states. —News reports Why oh why oh why oh? Why did I ever leave Ohio? Why did I locate where, since it’s no swing state, Pollsters don’t trouble to track? Zero is my vote’s weight. Reason to vote? That’s what I lack. Oh why oh why oh did I leave Ohio? Maybe I better go O-H-I-O, Where I could have my vote back.
May 16, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Adieu, Sarkozy Adieu, Sarkozy
We now must bid adieu to Sarkozy He swerved hard to the right, comme Mitt ici (Mais oui: exactement comme Mitt Romnéy), And said austerity is what’s to be. The French apparently did not agree: The voters sent him packing, COD.
May 9, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Newt Departs From the Island of Poliwonks Newt Departs From the Island of Poliwonks
(The saddest leave-taking since Max left the Wild Things) “Don’t go!” all the poliwonks started to croon. “What other Republican dared to harpoon The Mittster for being a heartless tycoon? Who’s left to start planning a town on the moon, As if he had stepped from the pages of Dune? Who never did hesitate once to impugn The press—his best foil—when it seemed opportune? Oh why, Newt, oh why must you leave us so soon?” But Newt, though quite portly, as well as jejune, Just floated away, like a hot air balloon.
May 2, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Ron Paul, Still Standing Ron Paul, Still Standing
Mitt’s opposite number is still in the race. Paul has his supporters; he has his own base. He has his own style, which is folksy, not canned. Religion? He’s got one. His prophet’s Ayn Rand. By Rand’s wacko theories he’s fervently gripped, So he won’t do flip-flops. He long ago flipped.
Apr 25, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Exit Santorum Exit Santorum
With Rick getting out, the Whack-a-Mole’s over. The last mole’s been whacked, and Mitt is in clover. The clover smells good, but here is the riddle: Can Romney now move it a bit toward the middle? By dropping the wacko-right banner he’s gripping, Will he be accused of more flopping and flipping?
Apr 18, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Republican National Committee Selects a Campaign Slogan The Republican National Committee Selects a Campaign Slogan
Our slogan’s been chosen. We think it’s a hit. We’ll shout from the rafters, “We settle for Mitt!”
Apr 11, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
End of the Line? End of the Line?
“Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas billionaire who has been the biggest backer to a group supporting Newt Gingrich, said this week that Mr. Gingrich had reached ‘the end of his line’ in his bid for the presidency.” —New York Times So Newt’s coming closer to facing defeat? His main sugar daddy’s no longer so sweet. And Newt never was: why, when he had the power Of all of that sugar, he still sounded sour.
Apr 3, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin