The Situation The Situation
So Mitt’s officially an Etch-a-Sketch, And Rick says JFK’s speech made him retch. Ron Paul’s a ditz, and Gingrich is a letch. Though nets are flung as far as they will stretch, There isn’t any white knight there to fetch. Republicans thus sit around and kvetch.
Mar 28, 2012 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin
On Not Leaving the Field On Not Leaving the Field
Right-wingers who want to be heard Note Newt’s place is solidly third. But if right-wing votes were combined, The front-runner might fall behind. So they say to Newt, “Won’t you go?” And Newt, being Newt, answers no. Newt’s ideological kin Are dreading a moderate’s win. They argue that it would advance The cause if Newt gave Rick a chance To face Mitt not in a duet. And Newt, being Newt, still says nyet. “When England was under the blitz, Did Churchill say, ‘Let’s call it quits’?” Says Newt. “That is not what you see From statesmen like Churchill and me.” “Oh, please, just this once, Newt,” they say. And Newt, being Newt, says, “No way.”
Mar 21, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Republican Finalists The Republican Finalists
Regarding those still in the race And all the sighs they engender, All small-time pols quote Brando now: “I coulda been a contender.”
Mar 14, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Contraception (of All Things) Contraception (of All Things)
Republicans are bashing birth control, As candidates far-rightward scurry. The voters haven’t heard such talk in years. We’re going backward in a hurry.
Mar 7, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
I Thought That I Would Never See a Pol Who Loved the Height of Trees I Thought That I Would Never See a Pol Who Loved the Height of Trees
“I love this state. It seems right here. The trees are the right height.” —Mitt Romney, in his home state of Michigan Away from here, I find no trees that please— No trees at such a perfect height as these. For me, I cannot ever be at ease With trees that grow no higher than one’s knees Or too tall trees that splinter in a freeze. Wisconsin, sure, has bragging rights on cheese. And California’s rich in Cantonese. And Colorado’s where to take your skis. Connecticut, of course, has Lyme disease. At none of these am I prepared to sneeze. But here we have the perfect height of trees.
Feb 29, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
We Pick Rick We Pick Rick
(A Santorum campaign song, sung to the tune of “I Like Ike,” by Irving Berlin) We pick Rick. Yes, Rick’s with whom we will stick. He’s the guy All over whom we’re swarming. We pick Rick. Though some imply that he’s thick, He well knows There is no global warming. He’ll say on CNN The sins that we must smother. And he can keep those men From marrying each other. We pick Rick ‘Cause he’ll tell liberals real quick What God says No matter if they’re willing: Abortion’s baby-killing. So we pick Rick.
Feb 15, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Romney Says He’s Not Concerned About the Poor Romney Says He’s Not Concerned About the Poor
“The remark about the poor immediately became catalogued in a growing list of awkward comments by Mr. Romney.” —New York Times His profile’s divine. His shoes have a shine; They’re almost as shined as his hair. And voters ignore That seeking Mitt’s core Has failed because nothing is there. So Mitt’s way ahead. The pundits have said That Newt might be almost kaput. But Mitt still might lose If he puts those shoes Much more in his mouth with his foot.
Feb 8, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Adelson Adelson
(Sung by Newt Gingrich supporters to the tune of “Edelweiss,” from The Sound of Music) Adelson, Adelson, Your donations do cheer him. We who root For our Newt Smile whenever you shmeer him. Absent your vow That you would endow Newt’s campaign with plenty, Adelson, Adelson, He’d be dead as Pawlenty.
Jan 31, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Two Attempts to Explain the Resurrection of Newt Gingrich Two Attempts to Explain the Resurrection of Newt Gingrich
I. Yes, Newt appeared dead at least twice. If Mitt’s guys were playing it smart, They would have made certain of that By driving a stake through his heart. II. But Newt might have said if they had, Proceed, Mitt. You’ll see I won’t mind it. You’re free to drive stakes through my heart, Except that you’ll first have to find it.
Jan 25, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin
An Explanation of Gingrich’s Ad Accusing Romney of Being Able to Speak French An Explanation of Gingrich’s Ad Accusing Romney of Being Able to Speak French
Big Mo is what Gingrich is desperate to stop. He talks of how Romney will flip and will flop. He charges that Romney now goes through contortions To hide being someone who funded abortions And hide that in business wherever he’d roam Some innocent workers would lose hearth and home. There’s no way, Newt says, you can call Mitt a mensch. But what’s even worse is, the man can speak French. Yes, being bilingual is really too much. It shows you’re elitist and way out of touch. Bilingual means speaking one language too many. We’ve voted for leaders who hardly speak any. Republican voters know one thing. It’s this: That ignorance rocks. (It’s sometimes called bliss.) So all Romney-huggers should undo their clench. Mitt Romney’s a menace: the man can speak French.
Jan 18, 2012 / Column / Calvin Trillin