
A Summary of Public Response to the News That a Tabloid Hacked the Phones of a Missing Girl and of Families of Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan A Summary of Public Response to the News That a Tabloid Hacked the Phones of a Missing Girl and of Families of Soldiers Killed in Afghanistan

All England said, in one voice, “Blimey! Could even Murdoch be that slimy?”

Jul 13, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Republicans Increase Pressure on Chris Christie to Run for President Republicans Increase Pressure on Chris Christie to Run for President

Our candidates don’t measure up. Compared to Chris their thoughts are woolly. Let’s draft him now. It’s obvious That what we need’s a proper bully.

Jun 28, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Pundits Analyze Sarah Palin’s Tour The Pundits Analyze Sarah Palin’s Tour

So Palin’s gone out on the stump. Or is she just a female Trump— A person eager for each mention For purposes of brand extension?

Jun 16, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Dan Sinker: How the Fake Rahm Emanuel Twitter Account Is Influencing the Next Generation of Satire Dan Sinker: How the Fake Rahm Emanuel Twitter Account Is Influencing the Next Generation of Satire

The man behind the @MayorEmanuel Twitter account talks about writing a real-time novel with tweets and how social media networks are ushering in a new generation of satire.

Jun 14, 2011 / The Nation

Contemplating the Republican Presidential Field, Late-Night Comics Lament Contemplating the Republican Presidential Field, Late-Night Comics Lament

So Trump is out. We’ve lost our best buffoon— We’ll surely miss that gaseous air balloon. Oh sure, there’s Newt. Though Newt jokes once were great, They’re getting old. He’s past his sell-by date. Chris Christie was the one we hoped they’d draft. Yes, in our fondest daydreams people laughed As we eyed Christie’s body, fore and aft, Comparing him to William Howard Taft. But Christie has insisted he’ll not run. Is anybody left who’s any fun? Oh Lord, please hear our prayers. We’re on our knees. At least just leave us Sarah Palin—please.

Jun 1, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Mitch Daniels Announces That He Will Not Run for President Mitch Daniels Announces That He Will Not Run for President

We bid Mitch Daniels fond adieu, And say, “Mitch, we admire you For saying that what you love best Is family, and not this quest.” Most candidates, without a doubt, Seem best to us when they drop out.

May 26, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Strauss-Kahn Lightens Gingrich’s Baggage Strauss-Kahn Lightens Gingrich’s Baggage

Yes, Gingrich, our yard-sale Don Juan, Perked up at the news of Strauss-Kahn: Compared with a rape charge, some feel, Philandering’s not a big deal: Affairs, for which Newt has repented, Involved only those who’d consented. But still his campaign’s going south: His foot still gets stuck in his mouth.  

May 18, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin

The Best Thing You Can Be Is CEO The Best Thing You Can Be Is CEO

    “CEO Pay Exceeds Pre-Recession Level.”                                       —Associated Press The best thing you can be is CEO. No matter what, you always get your dough. However many people out of work, You still get every single little perk. If fired, you are properly consoled, By floating ‘neath a parachute of gold. The best thing you can be is CEO. No matter what, you always get your dough.  

May 11, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin

Osama bin Laden Has Been Killed Osama bin Laden Has Been Killed

All cheered as the president said it. ’Midst cheering, though, some folks said, “Let it Be quite clear right now That some way, somehow, The Donald will try to claim credit.”  

May 4, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Calvin Trillin

Al-Assad Al-Assad

Al-Assad An autocrat named al-Assad Decided he’d not spare the rod. His thugs kill at will, But we wonder still: What happens when he’s shot his wad?   Some say his reaction is odd: They say this Assad is no clod. But he learned from pop To play the bad cop. Who knows how it ends? Maybe God.  

Apr 28, 2011 / Column / Calvin Trillin
