
Wing Nut Ex Machina Wing Nut Ex Machina

The ace that the Democrats have in their deck.

Nov 24, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Gore to ‘Get Crazy’ on Climate Change Gore to ‘Get Crazy’ on Climate Change

Because no one is responding to his more rational pleas, Al Gore has some new, creative ideas that might finally elicit a response.

Nov 23, 2009 / Saturday Night Live

On CEO Lloyd Blankfein’s Statement That Goldman Sachs Is ‘Doing God’s Work’ On CEO Lloyd Blankfein’s Statement That Goldman Sachs Is ‘Doing God’s Work’

The Lord has got an itch to see these folks filthy rich.

Nov 18, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

What’s Next for Lou Dobbs? What’s Next for Lou Dobbs?

Dobbs proclaims that the Latin takeover of news is upon us, as he is outraged to reveal that 99 percent of Telemundo programming is in Spanish.

Nov 16, 2009 / Saturday Night Live

Senator Joe Lieberman and the Public Option Senator Joe Lieberman and the Public Option

He'll work to make a filibuster stick.

Nov 11, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

SNL Spoofs Fox News’ Election ’09 Coverage SNL Spoofs Fox News’ Election ’09 Coverage

Glenn Beck, Karl Rove and the rest of the Fox News crew declare the Obama presidency over after just ten months in office.

Nov 10, 2009 / Saturday Night Live

Jon Stewart’s Brilliant Glenn Beck Parody Jon Stewart’s Brilliant Glenn Beck Parody

Jon Stweart says there's a war going on in America, and the stakes are nothing less than Glenn Beck's internal organs.

Nov 6, 2009 / The Daily Show

‘U.S. Will Order Pay Cuts at Firms With Bailout Aid’ ‘U.S. Will Order Pay Cuts at Firms With Bailout Aid’

The Wall Street types consider this unfair--they say they earned their money fair and square.

Oct 28, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

China Policy China Policy

Going along when China's rotten...

Oct 21, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Return of ‘The Rock’ Obama The Return of ‘The Rock’ Obama

President Obama gets really tough with Senators McConnell, Baucus and Snowe in this Incredible Hulk-inspired sketch.

Oct 19, 2009 / Saturday Night Live
