
Three Possible Explanations From the Nobel Committee Three Possible Explanations From the Nobel Committee

They have some justifying to do.

Oct 14, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

What Whoopi Goldberg (‘Not a Rape-Rape’), Harvey Weinstein (‘So-Called Crime’) et al. Are Saying in Their Outrage Over the Arrest of Roman Polanski What Whoopi Goldberg (‘Not a Rape-Rape’), Harvey Weinstein (‘So-Called Crime’) et al. Are Saying in Their Outrage Over the Arrest of Roman Polanski

He's been punished for this lapse--exiled for decades from LA!

Oct 7, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Thoughts of a UN Delegate as Qaddafi’s Speech, Slotted for Fifteen Minutes, Approaches An Hour and a Half Thoughts of a UN Delegate as Qaddafi’s Speech, Slotted for Fifteen Minutes, Approaches An Hour and a Half

This Muammar is truly loony.

Sep 30, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Jon Stewart Defends Kids From the GOP Jon Stewart Defends Kids From the GOP

Stewart takes on the crazy conspiracy theories of the right, starting with the recent Fox News coverage of ACORN.

Sep 29, 2009 / The Daily Show

Glenn Beck’s Madness Mocked in Prime-Time Glenn Beck’s Madness Mocked in Prime-Time

The inevitable Glenn Beck impression makes its debut, complete with a trembling voice, blatant factual inaccuracies and Hitler salutes.

Sep 25, 2009 / Saturday Night Live

A Grand Jury Investigates John Edwards A Grand Jury Investigates John Edwards

He's got some explaining to do.

Sep 23, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin

PSA Parody: Protect Insurance Companies PSA Parody: Protect Insurance Companies

Will Ferrell, Jon Hamm, Olivia Wilde and other popular entertainers speak out in defense of greedy health insurance execs backed by an ominous soundtrack.

Sep 22, 2009 / Funny or Die

Lewis Black Takes on Angry Outbursts Lewis Black Takes on Angry Outbursts

Has 2009 been the year of the angry outburst? Lewis Black breaks down recent bad behavior from Joe Wilson, Kanye West and Serena Williams as only he can.

Sep 18, 2009 / The Daily Show

Anatomy of Wilson’s ‘You Lie’ Outburst Anatomy of Wilson’s ‘You Lie’ Outburst

What if all the GOP congressmen were supposed to yell 'you lie' but changed their minds at the last minute while Joe Wilson was in the bathroom?

Sep 18, 2009 / Saturday Night Live

A Year Later, Little Change on Wall Street A Year Later, Little Change on Wall Street

Ode to a bailout.

Sep 16, 2009 / Column / Calvin Trillin
