
Ode to John McCain, Political Magician Ode to John McCain, Political Magician

With apologies to David Blaine, and none to John McCain, an ode to a political magician.

Sep 26, 2008 / Evan Eisenberg

Stephen Colbert ‘Suspends’ His Show Stephen Colbert ‘Suspends’ His Show

Parodying McCain's campaign "suspension," Colbert briefly brings his show to a halt until the financial crisis is averted.

Sep 25, 2008 / The Colbert Report

The Palin Action Doll The Palin Action Doll

Puppet lobbyists, banned books and the Bridge to Nowhere Play Set sold separately.

Sep 24, 2008 / Revision3

John McCain Explains What He Meant by Saying That the Fundamentals of the Economy Are Strong John McCain Explains What He Meant by Saying That the Fundamentals of the Economy Are Strong

He'll figure it out eventually.

Sep 24, 2008 / Column / Calvin Trillin

John McCain’s Age Card John McCain’s Age Card

Confused? Forgetting what you stand for? Sleeping on the job? You need the Age Card.

Sep 23, 2008 / Barely Political

The Daily Show Presents ‘Gov at First Sight’ The Daily Show Presents ‘Gov at First Sight’

Jon Stewart mocks Sean Hannity's suggestion that we should all just shut up about the economy while he gushes over Sarah Palin.

Sep 23, 2008 / The Daily Show

Truth by Repetition Truth by Repetition

She flips, she flops, she flips again.

Sep 17, 2008 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Jon Stewart Slams Sarah Palin Sideshow Jon Stewart Slams Sarah Palin Sideshow

As Wall Street crumbles and hurricanes rip through the southern United States, Stewart sees the brighter side: a hot VP candidate.

Sep 17, 2008 / The Daily Show

On Sarah Palin’s Revelations of God’s Will On Sarah Palin’s Revelations of God’s Will

God's girlfriend is never wrong.

Sep 9, 2008 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Sarah, Will UB My BFF? Sarah, Will UB My BFF?

U R so right: With the beehive and schoolmarm glasses, people really take you seriously!

Sep 5, 2008 / Annabelle Gurwitch
