
Mort Sahl, 1927–2021: The Comic as Social Critic

Mort Sahl, 1927–2021: The Comic as Social Critic Mort Sahl, 1927–2021: The Comic as Social Critic

Sahl diagnosed the disease of America in 1967 as “right-wing social democracy,” an ideology that is fine with war.

Nov 15, 2021 / Column / David Bromwich

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

The Counter-Intuitivist The Counter-Intuitivist

You never know what he’s going to say next!

Nov 9, 2021 / Tom Tomorrow


Steve Bannon Steve Bannon

Defiant still is Stephen Bannon, Who could be nut-right’s loosest cannon. Contempt, which Congress now has cited, May very well get Steve indicted. If Steve’s convicted, fair and s…

Nov 2, 2021 / Column / Calvin Trillin

What Riot?

What Riot? What Riot?

Mike Pence stood up to Donald Trump’s tirade. He certified the vote. He was unflinching. He now implies that day’s been overblown, Though he’s the one the mob had talked of lynchin…

Oct 19, 2021 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Surprise for Arizona Senators

Surprise for Arizona Senators Surprise for Arizona Senators

Though they hired the firm Cyber Ninjas Just to show that Trump votes did surmount Those of Biden, it found the reverse. But who knew that a ninja can count?…

Oct 3, 2021 / Column / Calvin Trillin

College student gets a Covid vaccine

Republicans Urge Defiance of Biden Mandates Republicans Urge Defiance of Biden Mandates

Republicans say don’t comply When government tries to deny The freedom you’ve got To not take the shot, No matter how many folks die.

Sep 21, 2021 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Performances At The Ice House Comedy Club

Animal Dewormer as Covid Preventative Animal Dewormer as Covid Preventative

Joe Maga heard the anti-vaxxers say Dewormer, not the vaccine, kills those germs. Joe Maga died of Covid. Joe is gone. His body, though, remains quite free of worms.

Sep 7, 2021 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Transformation of Afghanistan

The Transformation of Afghanistan The Transformation of Afghanistan

Fanatics terrorized the Afghan people. For twenty years we fought there in a war. So what’s it going to be like when we’ve finished? Well, pretty much just like it was before.

Aug 24, 2021 / Column / Calvin Trillin

College student gets a Covid vaccine

Unintended Consequences Unintended Consequences

Republicans object to masks While going about their daily tasks. To rule that folks must vaccinate, They say, makes this a Nazi state. The surges now are all located Among those pr…

Aug 10, 2021 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Milley Earns His Stars

Milley Earns His Stars Milley Earns His Stars

The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff prepared to thwart any coup attempt by Trump.—As reported by Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker in I Alone Can Fix It A presidential coup! Di…

Jul 27, 2021 / Column / Calvin Trillin
