
George W. Bush’s Reception in Albania George W. Bush’s Reception in Albania

The President's offshore approval ratings get a boost.

Jun 14, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Alberto Gonzales Is Still at His Post Alberto Gonzales Is Still at His Post

Don't worry, he's got it all under control.

Jun 7, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Monica Goodling Testifies on US Attorney Firing Monica Goodling Testifies on US Attorney Firing

Follow the leaders.

May 31, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin

A Letter to Paul Wolfowitz on How His Departure From the World Bank Will Be Dealt With in His Obituary A Letter to Paul Wolfowitz on How His Departure From the World Bank Will Be Dealt With in His Obituary

Out, out, damned spot!

May 24, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Exit Tony Blair Exit Tony Blair

Fetch--go get it! Good boy!

May 17, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Simpsons Hit 400 The Simpsons Hit 400

Over eighteen seasons and three presidential eras, The Simpsons has paid badly animated homage to all that sucks in America.

May 15, 2007 / Books & the Arts / Simon Maxwell Apter

On Three Out of the Ten Republican Presidential Candidates Stating That They Don’t Believe in Evolution On Three Out of the Ten Republican Presidential Candidates Stating That They Don’t Believe in Evolution

The Big Bang is something else entirely.

May 10, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Another Exasperating Account of the Bunker Another Exasperating Account of the Bunker

Sinking Tenet's "slam dunk."

May 2, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin

A Bring-the-Troops-Home Rally in Baghdad A Bring-the-Troops-Home Rally in Baghdad

Help for the troops might come from an unlikely source.

Apr 26, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Saga of Paul Wolfowitz The Saga of Paul Wolfowitz

Rummy's fork-tongued understudy finally gets his.

Apr 19, 2007 / Column / Calvin Trillin
