‘C-List Celebrity Killer’ Leaves Police Enthusiastically Guessing Who’s Next ‘C-List Celebrity Killer’ Leaves Police Enthusiastically Guessing Who’s Next
Following Thursday's gruesome discovery of the remains of former Blossom star Joey Lawrence, law enforcement officials are feverishly speculating on the identity of the killer's ne...
Nov 5, 2006 / The Nation
Rumsfeld: ‘My Half-Assed Job Here Is Done’ Rumsfeld: ‘My Half-Assed Job Here Is Done’
November 8, 2006 WASHINGTON, DC--After nearly six years of much-publicized service as Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld announced his resignation Wednesday afternoon, ...
Nov 5, 2006 / The Nation
An Explanation of Karl Rove’s Confidence About the Midterm Elections An Explanation of Karl Rove’s Confidence About the Midterm Elections
Hint: It starts with the M-word.
Nov 2, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin
The Tao of Borat The Tao of Borat
What are we laughing at when we laugh at Borat?
Nov 2, 2006 / Richard Goldstein
GOP Throws All Financial Support Behind One Candidate GOP Throws All Financial Support Behind One Candidate
The National Republican Congressional Committee allocates its remaining $256 million cash-on-hand to an Arizona incumbent in the hopes of retaining at least one House seat.
Nov 1, 2006 / The Nation
New White House Strategy on Iraq New White House Strategy on Iraq
What passes now for West Wing policy is whatever will cover their collective derrieres.
Oct 26, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Mars Rover Beginning To Hate Mars Mars Rover Beginning To Hate Mars
The unmanned vehicle is "bored out of its mind."
Oct 24, 2006 / The Nation
Bush: Thousands of Registered Democrats Needed For ‘Extremely Important’ Mission Bush: Thousands of Registered Democrats Needed For ‘Extremely Important’ Mission
President Bush said Monday that members of the opposition party are the only ones who can make the November operation a success.
Oct 21, 2006 / The Nation
A Short History of ‘Cut and Run,’ Using the George W. Bush Definition A Short History of ‘Cut and Run,’ Using the George W. Bush Definition
From 'Nam to Lebanon, the Gulf War and, um, Texas.
Oct 18, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin
As Denny Hastert Stumbles Through an Array of Denials That He Knew About Mark Foley’s Behavior and Did Nothing About It As Denny Hastert Stumbles Through an Array of Denials That He Knew About Mark Foley’s Behavior and Did Nothing About It
What makes you think he knows anything?
Oct 18, 2006 / Column / Calvin Trillin