
To Fix the Racial Wealth Gap, We Need Solutions That Sound Radical

To Fix the Racial Wealth Gap, We Need Solutions That Sound Radical To Fix the Racial Wealth Gap, We Need Solutions That Sound Radical

If progressives want to improve the conditions in underserved and underdeveloped communities, then bigger and bolder policy solutions are required.

Feb 3, 2016 / Steve Phillips

Democratic presidential candidate Sanders greets students after a town hall meeting with students at George Mason University in Fairfax

How Bernie Sanders Is Challenging a Downsized Politics of Excluded Alternatives How Bernie Sanders Is Challenging a Downsized Politics of Excluded Alternatives

Why we need a grown-up conversation about taxes.

Feb 2, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Iowa protestors

The Fight for 15 in Iowa The Fight for 15 in Iowa

A platform built on workers’ stories rather than political rhetoric will keep the movement alive long past Election Day.

Feb 1, 2016 / Michelle Chen

How the EPA Has Failed to Challenge Environmental Racism in Flint—and Beyond

How the EPA Has Failed to Challenge Environmental Racism in Flint—and Beyond How the EPA Has Failed to Challenge Environmental Racism in Flint—and Beyond

Since the early 1990s, the agency has received over 300 discrimination complaints. It’s never once issued a formal finding of a violation.

Jan 28, 2016 / Zoë Carpenter

Citizens of Oslo celebrate Syttende Mai (May Seventeenth), Norway's national day commemorating the adoption of its Constitution.

After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here’s Why. After I Lived in Norway, America Felt Backward. Here’s Why.

A crash course in social democracy.

Jan 28, 2016 / Feature / Ann Jones

Bernie’s Wall Street Plan Is Actually Not Enough

Bernie’s Wall Street Plan Is Actually Not Enough Bernie’s Wall Street Plan Is Actually Not Enough

Here are three ways he can make his plan a real threat to the finance industry.

Jan 28, 2016 / Mike Konczal

The Koch Brothers Have Radically Changed American Politics

The Koch Brothers Have Radically Changed American Politics The Koch Brothers Have Radically Changed American Politics

A new book exposes the hidden campaign to mainstream their libertarian agenda.

Jan 28, 2016 / Column / Eric Alterman

Note to Hillary: Clintonomics Was a Disaster for Most Americans

Note to Hillary: Clintonomics Was a Disaster for Most Americans Note to Hillary: Clintonomics Was a Disaster for Most Americans

Under Bill Clinton, Wall Street created a ruinous bubble, while workers lost wages and power.

Jan 26, 2016 / Robert Pollin

Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders Is the Realist We Should Elect Bernie Sanders Is the Realist We Should Elect

Sanders’s message is clear: Trust yourself. Come together, take back the country and make this nation better. 

Jan 26, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

A woman points a handgun with a laser sight on a wall display of other guns during the National Rifle Association convention in St. Louis.

‘Make Sure Everybody Can Get a Gun Easier Than They Can Vote’ ‘Make Sure Everybody Can Get a Gun Easier Than They Can Vote’

Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II on the Republicans’ new agenda. 

Jan 25, 2016 / The Nation
