
Our Impoverished Poverty Debate

Our Impoverished Poverty Debate Our Impoverished Poverty Debate

Fifty years after LBJ declared a War on Poverty, the United States ranks near the bottom in childhood poverty among all developed nations.

Dec 30, 2013 / The Editors

Hard Times Hard Times

the 2013 compensation of disney ceo robert iger was reduced to $34 million. —News reports The forty million made before Has been reduced to thirty-four. At home, Bob now knows what’s in store: Economies he must explore To try to keep wolves from the door. He hears remarks he can’t ignore: They whisper, those who make much more, “Poor Iger makes but thirty-four.”

Dec 30, 2013 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Holiday in Austerity Land: 1.3 Million Americans Lose Jobless Benefits

Holiday in Austerity Land: 1.3 Million Americans Lose Jobless Benefits Holiday in Austerity Land: 1.3 Million Americans Lose Jobless Benefits

Paul Ryan had his way with the budget deal. And the economic pain is just beginning.

Dec 28, 2013 / John Nichols

FDR’s ‘Christmas Carol’ is the Antidote to Lump-of-Coal Austerity

FDR’s ‘Christmas Carol’ is the Antidote to Lump-of-Coal Austerity FDR’s ‘Christmas Carol’ is the Antidote to Lump-of-Coal Austerity

The thirty-second president used Dickens’s tale to make the case for programs to aid the dispossessed. We should do the same.

Dec 24, 2013 / John Nichols

Janet Yellen Is the First Female Head of the Fed. Will That Matter?

Janet Yellen Is the First Female Head of the Fed. Will That Matter? Janet Yellen Is the First Female Head of the Fed. Will That Matter?

Monetary policy is a feminist issue—and Janet Yellen has an opportunity to change some of the Fed’s basic values.

Dec 20, 2013 / William Greider

Willy Brandt at 100: Recalling, Renewing a Struggle Against Global Inequality

Willy Brandt at 100: Recalling, Renewing a Struggle Against Global Inequality Willy Brandt at 100: Recalling, Renewing a Struggle Against Global Inequality

The former German chancellor still calls us to “ build a world in which sharing, justice, freedom and peace might prevail.”

Dec 18, 2013 / John Nichols

Who’s Really Waging the Class War?

Who’s Really Waging the Class War? Who’s Really Waging the Class War?

There’s little support among the wealthiest Americans for policy reforms to reduce income inequality.

Dec 12, 2013 / Bill Moyers

Nelson Mandela’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Nelson Mandela’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights Nelson Mandela’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The anti-apartheid hero asked world leaders to “have the courage to ensure that, at last, we build a human world consistent with the provisions of that historic Declaration.&...

Dec 10, 2013 / John Nichols

The Republican Holiday To-do List

The Republican Holiday To-do List The Republican Holiday To-do List

Nothing says holiday cheer like cutting food stamps and unemployment benefits!

Dec 9, 2013 / Tom Tomorrow

How Inequality Became as American as Apple Pie

How Inequality Became as American as Apple Pie How Inequality Became as American as Apple Pie

The difference between President Obama and Mayor-elect de Blasio lies not in how they view inequality but in how they plan to fight it.

Dec 9, 2013 / Jessica Weisberg
