
SEC Makes Important Move Towards Reining In CEO Pay

SEC Makes Important Move Towards Reining In CEO Pay SEC Makes Important Move Towards Reining In CEO Pay

CEOs capture an average of 10 percent of their company’s profits. Will a new SEC action change that?

Sep 19, 2013 / George Zornick

Poverty Rate and Income Stagnate as Conservatives Attack the Safety Net

Poverty Rate and Income Stagnate as Conservatives Attack the Safety Net Poverty Rate and Income Stagnate as Conservatives Attack the Safety Net

On the fifth anniversary of the financial collapse, new Census data shows that the modest uptick in the economy has failed to reach poor- and middle-class Americans.

Sep 17, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Occupy Activists’ New Fight for Regulation, Affordable Housing and Social Justice

Occupy Activists’ New Fight for Regulation, Affordable Housing and Social Justice Occupy Activists’ New Fight for Regulation, Affordable Housing and Social Justice

Next week marks the two-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street. Here are what some of the best and brightest organizers are working on now.

Sep 12, 2013 / Allison Kilkenny

Bill de Blasio Leads New York Primary With Surge of Votes for ‘Bold Progressive Change’

Bill de Blasio Leads New York Primary With Surge of Votes for ‘Bold Progressive Change’ Bill de Blasio Leads New York Primary With Surge of Votes for ‘Bold Progressive Change’

A big primary lead for Bill de Blasio, who ran on a promise to tax the rich.

Sep 11, 2013 / John Nichols

Mike Bloomberg and the ‘Fortunate Ones’ Versus Bill de Blasio

Mike Bloomberg and the ‘Fortunate Ones’ Versus Bill de Blasio Mike Bloomberg and the ‘Fortunate Ones’ Versus Bill de Blasio

The mayor accuses the front-runner to succeed him of waging a “class warfare and racist” campaign. Why? Because de Blasio wants billionaires to pay more taxes.

Sep 8, 2013 / John Nichols

Paying CEOs Top Dollar for Poor Performance

Paying CEOs Top Dollar for Poor Performance Paying CEOs Top Dollar for Poor Performance

A new report reveals that America’s highest-paid CEOs often do their jobs badly, leaving taxpayers to clean up the mess.

Aug 28, 2013 / Zoë Carpenter

Mapping the Sequester’s Impact on Low-Income Housing

Mapping the Sequester’s Impact on Low-Income Housing Mapping the Sequester’s Impact on Low-Income Housing

Under the sequester, only one in four eligible families receives rental assistance vouchers—and waiting lists are growing.

Jul 19, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Austerity Loses in Massachusetts

Austerity Loses in Massachusetts Austerity Loses in Massachusetts

Ed Markey campaigned against cuts and won 55-44.

Jun 26, 2013 / John Nichols

Massachusetts Senate Contest Offers a Stark Choice About Austerity

Massachusetts Senate Contest Offers a Stark Choice About Austerity Massachusetts Senate Contest Offers a Stark Choice About Austerity

The Democrat is an old-school defender of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The Republican is for raising the retirement age and ‘chained CPI.’

Jun 25, 2013 / John Nichols

Dave Zirin: Brazil’s Protests Are About More Than Bus Fare

Dave Zirin: Brazil’s Protests Are About More Than Bus Fare Dave Zirin: Brazil’s Protests Are About More Than Bus Fare

And they’re picking up steam throughout the country.

Jun 19, 2013 / Press Room
