
Bringing the Fight to the Billionaires Bringing the Fight to the Billionaires

Whoever wins on November 6, progressive campaigns will continue to target the tiny elite that rules the country.

Oct 31, 2012 / The Editors

Against the Destruction of the World and the Climate by Greed

Against the Destruction of the World and the Climate by Greed Against the Destruction of the World and the Climate by Greed

It’s time to ditch the political euphemisms, and start calling lies, theft and greed by their true name.

Oct 29, 2012 / Rebecca Solnit

Greg Kaufmann: Poor Families Are Not Getting the Help They Need Greg Kaufmann: Poor Families Are Not Getting the Help They Need

Fewer families in poverty are receiving assistance today than they were before welfare reform. 

Oct 4, 2012 / Press Room

The Better Bargain: Transaction Tax, Not Austerity The Better Bargain: Transaction Tax, Not Austerity

The Inclusive Prosperity Tax would increase revenue for social services Americans need the most. 

Sep 25, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Isn’t Mitt Romney a Member of the 47 Percent? Isn’t Mitt Romney a Member of the 47 Percent?

Romney should not be so dismissive of the tax-avoiding class. After all, he's one of them.

Sep 18, 2012 / John Nichols

Predistribution: A Big, New Idea Predistribution: A Big, New Idea

As the income gap widens, British Labour leaders say a “tax and spend” approach isn't enough. 

Sep 17, 2012 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Astra Taylor: Your Debt Is Not Your Fault! Astra Taylor: Your Debt Is Not Your Fault!

Occupy activists are moving debt from the personal to the political. 

Sep 13, 2012 / The Nation

Welcome to ‘Poverty Day’: The One Time of Year When America Cares About the Poor Welcome to ‘Poverty Day’: The One Time of Year When America Cares About the Poor

We need to stop looking at poverty as a separate phenomenon from the rest of the economy—an economy with a proliferation of low-wage jobs and a weak and inequitable recovery.

Sep 13, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Isn’t It Time to Go All William Jennings Bryan on Paul Ryan? Isn’t It Time to Go All William Jennings Bryan on Paul Ryan?

The Republican vice presidential nominee is part of an economic royalist cabal that has stalled action on farm and food legislation that’s essential to working farmers, rural...

Sep 11, 2012 / John Nichols

A Nun on the Podium Takes Apart Paul Ryan A Nun on the Podium Takes Apart Paul Ryan

One of the most powerful, and most powerfully-received speeches of the DNC was that of Sister Simone Campbell, one of the "Nuns on the Bus."

Sep 6, 2012 / John Nichols
