
Elizabeth Warren Runs Against a DC That’s “Rigged for Big Corporations” Elizabeth Warren Runs Against a DC That’s “Rigged for Big Corporations”

The consumer advocate's pitch-perfect populist message is exactly what Democrats need to say -- and hear -- in 2012.

Sep 14, 2011 / John Nichols

Uncle Sam Does(n’t) Want You Uncle Sam Does(n’t) Want You

From the first jobless Americans through the Great Depression to the Great Recession of the present moment, the reserve army of labor marches through time.

Sep 12, 2011 / Steve Fraser and Joshua Freeman

Tell President Obama: Jobs, Not Cuts Tell President Obama: Jobs, Not Cuts

Implore the White House to make every effort to defend Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.

Sep 7, 2011 / Peter Rothberg

Obama Better Give One Hell of a Speech

Obama Better Give One Hell of a Speech Obama Better Give One Hell of a Speech

Zero job growth, a 16.2 percent real unemployment rate, a shrinking work week, declining pay: Obama has his Labor Day work cut out for him.

Sep 2, 2011 / John Nichols

How Will We Pay for Obama’s New Jobs Push? Answer: Tax Wall Street

How Will We Pay for Obama’s New Jobs Push? Answer: Tax Wall Street How Will We Pay for Obama’s New Jobs Push? Answer: Tax Wall Street

President Obama will propose a needed jobs program. But how to get it through a Congress that growls, “America's broke”? Fight for a financial transactions tax.

Aug 31, 2011 / John Nichols

Feingold’s Next Campaign: Pushing DC Democrats to Oppose Cuts and Corporate Giveaways Feingold’s Next Campaign: Pushing DC Democrats to Oppose Cuts and Corporate Giveaways

The former senator is organizing a national push to get Democrats on the Congressional “super-committee” to commit to fight cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medica...

Aug 24, 2011 / John Nichols

Mitt Romney, Dark Prince of Oligarchy, Battles the Demons of Democracy

Mitt Romney, Dark Prince of Oligarchy, Battles the Demons of Democracy Mitt Romney, Dark Prince of Oligarchy, Battles the Demons of Democracy

The GOP’s CEO candidate revealed his allegiances in the battle to disengage democracy with his declaration that “corporations are people, too, my friend."

Aug 20, 2011 / John Nichols

Subprime Contagion

Subprime Contagion Subprime Contagion

Is America finally learning that extreme inequality isn't just bad for those at the bottom—it’s ruinous for those on top, too?

Aug 10, 2011 / Chris Hayes

Barbara Ehrenreich: On (Not) Getting By in America Barbara Ehrenreich: On (Not) Getting By in America

Jobs are not jobs unless workers can live off of their wages in a way that does not trap them in eternal poverty.

Aug 8, 2011 / Press Room

Barbara Ehrenreich: On (Not) Getting By in America Barbara Ehrenreich: On (Not) Getting By in America

Jobs are not jobs unless workers can live off of their wages in a way that does not trap them in eternal poverty. 

Aug 8, 2011 / Democracy Now!
