How Freddie Mac Helps Private Equity Profit From Tenant Misery How Freddie Mac Helps Private Equity Profit From Tenant Misery
Overloaded with debt, with maintenance and repairs cut back to the bone, tenants are being bled dry to make millions for speculators—with a crucial assist from the Federal Home Loa...
Jun 13, 2023 / Feature / Eileen Markey

Cornel West Is the Right Man in the Wrong Party Cornel West Is the Right Man in the Wrong Party
An otherwise credible left-wing challenge to Biden is hampered by the dysfunctional People’s Party.
Jun 12, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Can the Rich and Powerful Live Forever? Can the Rich and Powerful Live Forever?
The madness of new longevity treatments.
Jun 12, 2023 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Racist, Insulting Resurgence of Work Requirements The Racist, Insulting Resurgence of Work Requirements
Work requirements expose the nasty underbelly of the vaunted American work ethic. We would rather the poor starve than risk that they might spend less time on the job.
Jun 8, 2023 / Bryce Covert

Congress Is Sticking Students With the Check Congress Is Sticking Students With the Check
The recent debt agreement will abolish the pandemic-era pause on student debt repayments—hitting the youngest generation of voters the hardest.
Jun 6, 2023 / Chris Lehmann

Once More, the Washington Debt Ceiling Ritual Ends in a Lousy Deal Once More, the Washington Debt Ceiling Ritual Ends in a Lousy Deal
What cuts there are come in all the wrong places.
Jun 5, 2023 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Case Against Homeownership The Case Against Homeownership
Instead of perpetuating the Ponzi scheme of private property for some, we should be demanding economic security for all.
Jun 5, 2023 / Jane Chung

Don’t Reform the Courts. Disempower Them. Don’t Reform the Courts. Disempower Them.
The Supreme Court’s extreme anti-worker decision calls for a radical response.
Jun 2, 2023 / Jeet Heer

Here’s Why Principled Progressives Opposed a Cruel and Destructive Debt Ceiling Deal Here’s Why Principled Progressives Opposed a Cruel and Destructive Debt Ceiling Deal
These Democrats defied their president and their party leaders to vote against a deal that harms families, the poor, and the environment.
Jun 2, 2023 / John Nichols

How Should Workers Respond to the Supreme Court’s Ruling in “Glacier Northwest”? How Should Workers Respond to the Supreme Court’s Ruling in “Glacier Northwest”?
The court’s ruling could have been much worse—and soon will be. Workers and unions need to be prepared.
Jun 1, 2023 / Jane McAlevey