
How the Left Should Think About Inflation

How the Left Should Think About Inflation How the Left Should Think About Inflation

There is no compelling reason to raise interest rates, now or later.

Feb 18, 2022 / James K. Galbraith for The Nation

Statue of Liberty

What Might the World Look Like in 2025? What Might the World Look Like in 2025?

A dispatch from the future.

Feb 15, 2022 / John Feffer

A Black man in a suit sits at a table with a thick booklet in front of a crowd.

America’s Mayors Should Take Marion Barry as a Model. Seriously. America’s Mayors Should Take Marion Barry as a Model. Seriously.

The former D.C. mayor’s pioneering efforts to provide jobs, affordable housing, and food security deserve to be remembered long after the jokes about his drug use have grown stale.

Feb 14, 2022 / Christina M. Greer

Nina Turner Is Still Mad As Hell, and Running for Congress (Again)

Nina Turner Is Still Mad As Hell, and Running for Congress (Again) Nina Turner Is Still Mad As Hell, and Running for Congress (Again)

If you thought the former Ohio state senator and Bernie Sanders surrogate was going to quietly fade into the background after her primary loss last year, think again.

Feb 11, 2022 / A. Bryan Johnson

Three stacks of 100 dollar bills.

How the “American Dream” Became Un-American How the “American Dream” Became Un-American

When plutocrats defend it, and democrats bewail its passing, it’s time to recall the original meaning of the phrase.

Feb 10, 2022 / Maria Bustillos

FDR with cabinet

As Child Tax Payments Expire, Struggling Families Are Desperate As Child Tax Payments Expire, Struggling Families Are Desperate

Congress could get inspiration from the tortured creation of Social Security.

Feb 7, 2022 / James Roosevelt Jr., Henry Scott Wallace, June Hopkins, Tomlin Perkins Coggeshall, and Harold M. Ickes

Close up of a Male Health care worker wearing protective equipment, mask, gown and gloves, sitting in a chair beside a closed hospital room looking exhausted.

Why Wishful Thinking on Covid Remains As Dangerous as Ever Why Wishful Thinking on Covid Remains As Dangerous as Ever

Pundits urging us to treat Covid “like the flu” or pushing “the urgency of normal” are just variations of the siren song of surrender to needless death and preventable disease.

Feb 3, 2022 / Gregg Gonsalves

Grocery store worker

In This Latest Covid Surge, Americans Are Struggling to Make Ends Meet Without Sick Leave In This Latest Covid Surge, Americans Are Struggling to Make Ends Meet Without Sick Leave

With the country in the throes of the deadliest Covid wave yet, American workers are back to having no federally mandated paid sick leave.

Feb 3, 2022 / Bryce Covert

Several police officers surround a person whose hands are wrapped around a piece of construction equipment.

A Landmark Environmental Precedent Was Just Set in Virginia A Landmark Environmental Precedent Was Just Set in Virginia

Thanks to frontline activists and a new law promoting environmental justice, Virginia became one of the first states to recognize the disproportionate impact of pollution on Black,...

Feb 2, 2022 / Crystal “Red Bear” Cavalier-Keck

Citizenship DACA Protest

Undocumented Students Still Need Support Undocumented Students Still Need Support

The struggles facing undocumented youth in New York City have only been heightened by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Feb 2, 2022 / StudentNation / Teresa Mettela
