
A Sheriff for the People

A Sheriff for the People A Sheriff for the People

Following her recent victory in New Orleans, Susan Hutson will become the first female Black sheriff in Louisiana history.

Dec 21, 2021 / Tom Gogola

Faith leaders rally at the Capitol in support of Build Back Better

The Lives Hanging in the Balance of Build Back Better The Lives Hanging in the Balance of Build Back Better

As negotiations drag on, the economic security of millions of Americans is at stake. For these four families, the bill would make an enormous difference.

Dec 16, 2021 / Bryce Covert

Beto O'Rourke with megaphone

Texas Is Winnable. Beto’s the Candidate to Do It. Texas Is Winnable. Beto’s the Candidate to Do It.

A Beto gubernatorial win isn’t only very possible—it could permanently reshape the national political landscape. 

Dec 15, 2021 / Steve Phillips

Why Should I Change the Way I Talk?

Why Should I Change the Way I Talk? Why Should I Change the Way I Talk?

By switching between the accent I was raised with and the accent I am expected to have, I am silencing a part of myself.

Dec 15, 2021 / StudentNation / Meagan Zullo

Carol Joyner

Jobs for Men but Not for Women? Jobs for Men but Not for Women?

Though sex-based discrimination is no longer legal, it still structures American employment. Passing the Build Back Better bill could finally change that.

Dec 14, 2021 / Elizabeth Gregory

How the Taxi Workers Won

How the Taxi Workers Won How the Taxi Workers Won

The 45 days of fierce protest, shrewd organizing, and ferocious solidarity that ended the debt nightmare that had engulfed the taxi industry.

Dec 13, 2021 / Feature / Molly Crabapple

What We Get Wrong About Adoption

What We Get Wrong About Adoption What We Get Wrong About Adoption

Activists and political leaders promote adoption as a social good, looking past the complex experiences of adoptees and the parents who relinquish them.

Dec 7, 2021 / Gretchen Sisson and Jessica M. Harrison

Trump Fasching float

The Global Far Right Is Alive and Kicking The Global Far Right Is Alive and Kicking

And it hasn’t had this kind of opportunity for global expansion since fascism’s heyday in the 1930s.

Dec 7, 2021 / John Feffer

Recycled Cans NYC

My Parents Collect Cans for a Living My Parents Collect Cans for a Living

When people ask about my family now, I tell them not with embarrassment or shame but with pride.

Dec 7, 2021 / StudentNation / Jessica Yauri

palestine women

The Reconstruction of Gaza Has Been a Failure The Reconstruction of Gaza Has Been a Failure

The 2014 plan has largely institutionalized Israel’s control of the region and failed Gazans.

Dec 3, 2021 / Ariel Gold
