International Law

Mike Pompeo Iran

Iran Is Gambling That Trump Is Afraid of War Iran Is Gambling That Trump Is Afraid of War

In response to devastating US sanctions, Iran is choosing confrontation over surrender.

Jul 25, 2019 / Tony Karon

Is Spaceflight Colonialism?

Is Spaceflight Colonialism? Is Spaceflight Colonialism?

Fifty years after Apollo 11, it’s time to revisit the laws of space. 

Jul 19, 2019 / Haris Durrani

California wildfires

Will the World End in Nuclear—or Climate—Catastrophe? Will the World End in Nuclear—or Climate—Catastrophe?

Our politicians’ warmongering merely distracts us from the bigger picture of global disaster.

Jun 12, 2019 / David Bromwich

Torture in Syria

How One Man Survived Syria’s Gulag How One Man Survived Syria’s Gulag

Like thousands of others, Omar Alshogre was repeatedly tortured in Bashar al-Assad’s prisons—but unlike so many, he got out. Now he’s telling the world about the regime’s industria...

May 30, 2019 / Hisham Aidi

Ro Khanna on Yemen

In Search of a Green New Foreign Policy In Search of a Green New Foreign Policy

Domestically, progressives advocate a broad alternative to our disastrous environmental course. Where is the plan for reducing our damage abroad?

May 30, 2019 / Robert L. Borosage

Protesters against US intervention in Venezuela

Why Are Leading Democrats Supporting Trump on Venezuela? Why Are Leading Democrats Supporting Trump on Venezuela?

They assure us they’re not for war. But they are supporting strangulation through sanctions, which has led to thousands of deaths.

May 23, 2019 / Jeff Faux

Narendra Modi

A Modi Victory Puts India’s 200 Million Muslims in Danger A Modi Victory Puts India’s 200 Million Muslims in Danger

The Hindu nationalist party ran a hate-filled campaign and now seems poised to return to power with a terrifying mandate.

May 21, 2019 / Ruchira Gupta

Air Strikes

Both Saudi Arabia and the United States Are Probably Guilty of War Crimes in Yemen Both Saudi Arabia and the United States Are Probably Guilty of War Crimes in Yemen

The Saudi coalition deliberately targets civilians with US weapons—and US officials have known this for years.

May 17, 2019 / Mohamad Bazzi

(AP Photo / Manu Fernandez)

Did the CIA Orchestrate an Attack on the North Korean Embassy in Spain? Did the CIA Orchestrate an Attack on the North Korean Embassy in Spain?

A Nation investigation reveals a Rashomon-like tale with conflicting truths.

May 2, 2019 / Tim Shorrock

Samos, Greece refugee camp

The Greek Island That Became an Open-Air Prison for Refugees The Greek Island That Became an Open-Air Prison for Refugees

A three-year-old EU-Turkey deal has made living on Samos a nightmare, especially for women.

Apr 23, 2019 / Helen Benedict
