An International Tribunal Declares the Impeachment of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff an Illegitimate Coup An International Tribunal Declares the Impeachment of Brazil’s Dilma Rousseff an Illegitimate Coup
The grounds for it are baseless, and many of the legislators pushing it are themselves under indictment for serious crimes.
Aug 26, 2016 / Azadeh Shahshahani
How Obama Helped Lay the Groundwork for Trump’s Thuggery How Obama Helped Lay the Groundwork for Trump’s Thuggery
His refusal to prosecute torturers and his Wild West assassination of bin Laden show how moral complacency can all too easily degenerate into full-blown corruption.
Aug 23, 2016 / Rochelle Gurstein
India’s New Child-Labor Loophole India’s New Child-Labor Loophole
India’s new child-labor bill is a cause for celebration for the bosses, not children and human-rights advocates.
Aug 15, 2016 / Michelle Chen
An Hour Without Trump An Hour Without Trump
Susan Faludi on her trans father, Edward Snowden’s lawyer on the NSA, and Tom Lutz on politics and travel.
Aug 4, 2016 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener
Hillary Clinton Can Become the Real Candidate of Change Hillary Clinton Can Become the Real Candidate of Change
Clinton needs to go bold: using her experience and competence as the basis for laying out a big agenda for change that can help build enthusiasm and turnout.
Jul 26, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel
How the US Military Came to Embrace Extrajudicial Killings How the US Military Came to Embrace Extrajudicial Killings
It’s easy when war is a video game.
Jul 18, 2016 / Rebecca Gordon
Spaniards Confront the Legacy of Civil War and Dictatorship Spaniards Confront the Legacy of Civil War and Dictatorship
Four decades after the transition to democracy, families victimized by Francoist repression have organized in a quest for justice.
Jul 18, 2016 / Sebastiaan Faber and Bécquer Seguín
Colleges Aren’t Enforcing Their Own Anti-Sweatshop Policies Colleges Aren’t Enforcing Their Own Anti-Sweatshop Policies
SUNY’s failure to enforce its anti-sweatshop policies is a reminder that major institutional consumers can only go so far in addressing the crisis of globalized labor abuses.
Jun 27, 2016 / StudentNation / Michelle Chen
Julian Assange Just Began His 5th Year Inside the Ecuadorian Embassy Julian Assange Just Began His 5th Year Inside the Ecuadorian Embassy
Each year of his confinement represents another strike against freedom of information.
Jun 21, 2016 / Carey Shenkman
By Screening ‘The Magnitsky Act,’ the Newseum Stood Up for the First Amendment By Screening ‘The Magnitsky Act,’ the Newseum Stood Up for the First Amendment
Should ultra-wealthy foreign nationals be able to transform their personal vendettas against foreign governments into law?
Jun 20, 2016 / James Carden