Internet and New Media

The ‘Fog of Suspicion’ and of Worsening Cold War

The ‘Fog of Suspicion’ and of Worsening Cold War The ‘Fog of Suspicion’ and of Worsening Cold War

As the neo-McCarthyite search for Americans with Russian “contacts” spreads, the new Cold War is increasingly fraught with possibilities of hot war.

Mar 8, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

nikki haley confirmation

Demand That Trump Appointees and Allies Answer the Question: Will You Defend Freedom of the Press? Demand That Trump Appointees and Allies Answer the Question: Will You Defend Freedom of the Press?

Every member of the Trump team should be pressed on the question of whether they will respect the First Amendment to the Constitution they have sworn to uphold.

Mar 7, 2017 / John Nichols

trump press conf

The Media’s Addiction to False Equivalencies Has Left Them Vulnerable to Trump The Media’s Addiction to False Equivalencies Has Left Them Vulnerable to Trump

Decades of conservative efforts to work the press are paying off handsomely.

Mar 3, 2017 / Column / Eric Alterman

ajit pai wheeler

Trump’s Net Neutrality-Hating FCC Chair Is Already Gutting Public-Interest Regulations Trump’s Net Neutrality-Hating FCC Chair Is Already Gutting Public-Interest Regulations

But movements can counter him.

Mar 2, 2017 / John Nichols

Is There a Business Model for Serious Journalism in the Age of Trump?

Is There a Business Model for Serious Journalism in the Age of Trump? Is There a Business Model for Serious Journalism in the Age of Trump?

The press has arguably never been more vulnerable. But there are some surprising—and practical—glimmers of hope.

Mar 2, 2017 / Feature / Kyle Pope

Progressives Need to Build Their Own Media

Progressives Need to Build Their Own Media Progressives Need to Build Their Own Media

Trump would not be president today were it not for the help of Fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, & Co.

Mar 1, 2017 / Feature / Mark Hertsgaard

Free Press activists rally for net neutrality.

Net Neutrality Is in Danger. Tell the FCC Why We Need It Net Neutrality Is in Danger. Tell the FCC Why We Need It

Our new FCC chairman has said that net neutrality’s “days are numbered.”

Feb 16, 2017 / NationAction

Donald Trump in State Dining Room

Kremlin-Baiting President Trump (Without Facts) Must Stop Kremlin-Baiting President Trump (Without Facts) Must Stop

Bipartisan allegations that Trump is a “puppet” of or “compromised” by the Kremlin have grown into latter-day McCarthyism with grave threats to America and the world.

Feb 15, 2017 / Stephen F. Cohen

Journalists watch GOP debate

The Trump Administration’s Other War on the Media The Trump Administration’s Other War on the Media

Trump wants to give his corporate allies full control of our media ecosystem. A people-powered movement demanding an open and free Internet is what it will take to stop him.

Feb 14, 2017 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Edward Jay Epstein’s Alternative Facts

Edward Jay Epstein’s Alternative Facts Edward Jay Epstein’s Alternative Facts

A new book suggests Snowden may have been a spy, but what it reveals is its author’s own duplicity.

Feb 14, 2017 / Books & the Arts / Sue Halpern
