Fight for a Free Press Fight for a Free Press
The collapse of journalism and the rise of commercialism is sparking a reform movement that will fight to ensure the First Amendment endures in the digital age.
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / Robert W. McChesney
Brave New Media Brave New Media
We don't need to buy a network to get our message out--just creatively use an array of low-cost tools from the Internet to iPods, cellphones and whatever comes next.
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / Robert Greenwald
The National Entertainment State (Forum) The National Entertainment State (Forum)
If the promise of new media is to be fulfilled, progressives must chart a course of activism that confronts the increasing concentration of ownership among the Big Media powerhouse...
Jun 15, 2006 / Feature / The Nation
Politicos Court Netroots at YearlyKos Politicos Court Netroots at YearlyKos
The growing potential for netroots activists to define issues, mobilize voters and raise significant amounts of money drew politicians to the national gathering, eager to leverage ...
Jun 13, 2006 / Feature / Ari Melber
MySpace, MyPolitics MySpace, MyPolitics
The massive immigrant rights protests drew participants via technology-driven organizing, from text messaging to social networks like MySpace. Is this the shape of political campai...
May 30, 2006 / Feature / Ari Melber
House Panel Shoots Down Net Neutrality House Panel Shoots Down Net Neutrality
Despite pressure from Internet mavens, Congress edged closer this week to a pay-as-you-go Internet.
Apr 27, 2006 / Feature / Jeffrey Chester
Jeu de Vivre Jeu de Vivre
The real world is becoming more like a computer game every day. I worry that the computer itself is breeding little cyberhumans who will wander among us, sucking the humanity out o...
Mar 31, 2006 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
The Dot-Degree Boom The Dot-Degree Boom
Thanks to aggressive recruiting tactics and a complaisant Congress, online enrollments at the University of Phoenix and its spinoff, Axia College, are soaring. So are student debt ...
Mar 28, 2006 / Feature / Garrett Ordower
Google’s Wi-Fi Privacy Ploy Google’s Wi-Fi Privacy Ploy
Google and other telecom giants are wooing cities with plans to create public Wi-Fi grids. But there's no such thing as a free digital lunch: The price we pay is a loss of online p...
Mar 24, 2006 / Feature / Jeffrey Chester
Bloggers Join Fray on Political Ads Bloggers Join Fray on Political Ads
As the House considers two bills to regulate political speech on the Internet, the liberal Daily Kos and conservative Red State blogs are bedfellows, supporting a flawed GOP-sponso...
Mar 15, 2006 / Feature / Celia Viggo Wexler