Journalists and Journalism

Rebels in Aleppo.

Slouching Toward War With Russia in Syria? Slouching Toward War With Russia in Syria?

The proposed Obama-Putin cooperation was killed by its enemies in Washington, with dire implications.

Oct 6, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Letters Icon

Letters From the October 24, 2016, Issue Letters From the October 24, 2016, Issue

Not so Gurley after all… I beg your pardon!… Why the fuss over Russ?… Disruption roulette… Collective responsibility…

Oct 6, 2016 / Our Readers

Clinton Trump

Why Is This Election So Close? Why Is This Election So Close?

It’s the populism, stupid.

Oct 5, 2016 / Robert L. Borosage


It’s Time for Newspapers to Abandon Unsigned Editorials It’s Time for Newspapers to Abandon Unsigned Editorials

Let those making the arguments take personal responsibility for their positions.

Sep 30, 2016 / Column / Eric Alterman

Colin Kaepernick

Colin Kaepernick Has a Right to Hate Both Candidates Colin Kaepernick Has a Right to Hate Both Candidates

He’s been upsetting conservatives for weeks—and now he is upsetting liberals, too.

Sep 29, 2016 / Dave Zirin


The 14-Minute ‘60 Minutes’ Infomercial for Cold War The 14-Minute ‘60 Minutes’ Infomercial for Cold War

The viewer is left with the impression that the rising threat of a nuclear war is an entirely Russian problem.

Sep 29, 2016 / Adam Johnson

Letters Icon

Letters From the October 17, 2016, Issue Letters From the October 17, 2016, Issue

The cruelest prosecutor… 
Nothing ailed us!…
 Samantha Schuyler replies… 
 When journalism matters…
 Between our readers…

Sep 29, 2016 / Our Readers and Samantha Schuyler

More Squandered Opportunities to Deal With the New Cold War

More Squandered Opportunities to Deal With the New Cold War More Squandered Opportunities to Deal With the New Cold War

The enemies of détente with Russia sabotaged Obama’s proposed alliance with Russia in Syria while the American presidential debate ignored all the perilous issues inherent in the C...

Sep 28, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Clinton Trump debate

After Clinton’s Strong Debate Showing, Trump’s Lies on Election Rigging Are Even More at Odds with Reality After Clinton’s Strong Debate Showing, Trump’s Lies on Election Rigging Are Even More at Odds with Reality

It is voter suppression—not fantasies of fraud—that could actually undermine the will of the people.

Sep 27, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

At the First Debate, Clinton Faced Asymmetric Warfare—and Won

At the First Debate, Clinton Faced Asymmetric Warfare—and Won At the First Debate, Clinton Faced Asymmetric Warfare—and Won

“Donald, I know you live in your own reality,” she said calmly. And it gradually became clear she was right.

Sep 27, 2016 / Joan Walsh
