Journalists and Journalism

We, the People Versus We, the Wealthy

We, the People Versus We, the Wealthy We, the People Versus We, the Wealthy

How did the United States become the land of the unequal—and how do we find our way back?

Sep 12, 2016 / Bill Moyers

Hillary Clinton Media

A Lot of Trump Supporters Are Deplorable—and a Lot of the Media Are Too A Lot of Trump Supporters Are Deplorable—and a Lot of the Media Are Too

The frenzy over Clinton’s warning about bigoted Trump backers, along with her minor health scare Sunday, is just more media malpractice.

Sep 12, 2016 / Joan Walsh

North Dakota Wants to Arrest Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman for Engaging in Journalism

North Dakota Wants to Arrest Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman for Engaging in Journalism North Dakota Wants to Arrest Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman for Engaging in Journalism

The independent journalist was documenting private security personnel using dogs to attack Native Americans activists.

Sep 11, 2016 / John Nichols

Hillary speaks at Commander in Chief Forum

NBC’s Farcical Commander-in-Chief Forum NBC’s Farcical Commander-in-Chief Forum

This was a big missed opportunity for the network—and for voters.

Sep 8, 2016 / James Carden

Letters Icon

Letters From the September 26-October 3, 2016, Issue Letters From the September 26-October 3, 2016, Issue

Strength in weekness… Making herstory?… Private pain, public shame… Departure from the norm?… To The Nation, with love…

Sep 8, 2016 / Our Readers

Washington Post building

Cyber Hacks: The Washington Post’s Baseless Crusade Against Russia Cyber Hacks: The Washington Post’s Baseless Crusade Against Russia

If you’re going to point the finger of blame at one country in particular you should have more, you know, proof. 

Sep 7, 2016 / James Carden

More Lost Opportunities to Diminish the New Cold War

More Lost Opportunities to Diminish the New Cold War More Lost Opportunities to Diminish the New Cold War

Obama rejects a partnership with Russia against ISIS in Syria and reneges on his own proposals to reduce nuclear dangers while Ukraine’s President Poroshenko reneges on an agreemen...

Sep 7, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

What the 21st Century Has Done to Our News What the 21st Century Has Done to Our News

Thanks, Twitter.

Sep 6, 2016 / Tom Tomorrow


The Burkini Ban Represents Everything That Is Wrong About France’s Approach to Minorities The Burkini Ban Represents Everything That Is Wrong About France’s Approach to Minorities

The country’s militant secularism treats otherness as a temporary phase on the road to assimilation.

Sep 2, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Notes From Many Years

Notes From Many Years Notes From Many Years

Helen Gurley Brown’s ideas about women were often as retrograde as the ones she claimed to fight. Why is she still appealing?

Sep 1, 2016 / Books & the Arts / Madeleine Schwartz
