Journalists and Journalism

Donald Trump

Trump v. Disastrous US Triumphalism in Foreign Policy Trump v. Disastrous US Triumphalism in Foreign Policy

Trump’s challenge to 20-year bipartisan consensus may finally produce the missing public debate.

Mar 23, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

Even ‘The Guardian’ Needs Its Readers to Pay for Journalism

Even ‘The Guardian’ Needs Its Readers to Pay for Journalism Even ‘The Guardian’ Needs Its Readers to Pay for Journalism

The best news organization in the world, backed by a billion-dollar trust, will lay off 250 workers.

Mar 22, 2016 / Mark Hertsgaard

Millennials Are Taking to the Streets to Defend Democracy in Brazil

Millennials Are Taking to the Streets to Defend Democracy in Brazil Millennials Are Taking to the Streets to Defend Democracy in Brazil

You wouldn’t know it from reading the media, but huge numbers have turned out to preserve the rule of law and the gains of social democracy.

Mar 22, 2016 / StudentNation / Greg Grandin

Does Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit Against Gawker Really Threaten Freedom of the Press?

Does Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit Against Gawker Really Threaten Freedom of the Press? Does Hulk Hogan’s Lawsuit Against Gawker Really Threaten Freedom of the Press?

He sued Gawker, won an unbelievably large award, and shouted “Boo!” at free speech. But it ain’t over yet.

Mar 21, 2016 / Leslie Savan

Was Putin’s Syria Withdrawal Really a ‘Surprise’?

Was Putin’s Syria Withdrawal Really a ‘Surprise’? Was Putin’s Syria Withdrawal Really a ‘Surprise’?

American officials and pundits expressed “surprise” over Putin’s announcement while missing its primary significance.

Mar 16, 2016 / Stephen F. Cohen

The Media Malpractice That’s Hurting Everyone but Trump

The Media Malpractice That’s Hurting Everyone but Trump The Media Malpractice That’s Hurting Everyone but Trump

It’s time for the media to finally answer Bernie Sanders’s plea and stop favoring the spectacle over “the important issues facing the American people.”

Mar 15, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Ben Bagdikian Knew That Journalism Must Serve the People—Not the Powerful

Ben Bagdikian Knew That Journalism Must Serve the People—Not the Powerful Ben Bagdikian Knew That Journalism Must Serve the People—Not the Powerful

The brilliant reporter and editor who sounded the alarm against media monopoly called on us all to be stewards of democracy.

Mar 14, 2016 / John Nichols

Did Trump’s Campaign Manager Assault a Female Reporter?

Did Trump’s Campaign Manager Assault a Female Reporter? Did Trump’s Campaign Manager Assault a Female Reporter?

The videos are flooding in, the verdict is out, but either way, Trump has sowed enough doubt to come out on top.

Mar 11, 2016 / Leslie Savan

Trump protesters

Trump Rallies Have Become Violent Mobs—and Republicans Think That’s OK Trump Rallies Have Become Violent Mobs—and Republicans Think That’s OK

Not one GOP candidate condemned the violence. Now a pro-Trump “news” site explains away an attack on its own reporter. Will anyone grow a spine?

Mar 11, 2016 / Joan Walsh

Neocons Helped Fuel the Rise of Donald Trump. Will They Apologize?

Neocons Helped Fuel the Rise of Donald Trump. Will They Apologize? Neocons Helped Fuel the Rise of Donald Trump. Will They Apologize?

GOP primary voters are rejecting foreign policies that dishonored their country.

Mar 10, 2016 / Column / Eric Alterman
