Journalists and Journalism

Looking Back, Moving Forward Looking Back, Moving Forward

Journalists need to hold themselves to higher standards, as do their ombudsmen.

Mar 7, 2013 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Cognitus Interruptus on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows

Cognitus Interruptus on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows Cognitus Interruptus on the Sunday Morning Talk Shows

Why mainstream media pundits keep punting.

Mar 5, 2013 / Leslie Savan

Patent Offers Clues on How Google Controls the News

Patent Offers Clues on How Google Controls the News Patent Offers Clues on How Google Controls the News

Google is one of the most important “publishers” in the world, and the company’s lucrative algorithm reveals a picture of the future of profitable content.

Feb 22, 2013 / Ari Melber

The ‘Sully’-ing of American Journalism

The ‘Sully’-ing of American Journalism The ‘Sully’-ing of American Journalism

Andrew Sullivan garners much attention for his bold moves as a blogger. But what about the quality of his judgments?

Jan 23, 2013 / Column / Eric Alterman

Comforting the Comfortable, Afflicting the Afflicted Comforting the Comfortable, Afflicting the Afflicted

A small-bore, context-free, artificially balanced press corps only serves the interests of the powerful.

Jan 4, 2013 / Eric Alterman and Reed Richardson

Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (12/16/2012) Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (12/16/2012)

This week: a haunting piece from Aleppo, a debate in the trans community and much more.

Dec 16, 2012 / StudentNation / StudentNation

The Shameful Exploitation of Bradley Manning

The Shameful Exploitation of Bradley Manning The Shameful Exploitation of Bradley Manning

News organizations thrilled to exploit the information Manning uncovered are deeply afraid of being associated with the brave whistle-blower himself.

Dec 14, 2012 / Robert Scheer

Bob Costas: ‘I Stand by What I Said’

Bob Costas: ‘I Stand by What I Said’ Bob Costas: ‘I Stand by What I Said’

Costas has ignited a firestorm after his comments on gun culture during halftime of Sunday Night Football. He tells us now why he won’t back down.

Dec 6, 2012 / Dave Zirin

Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (11/30/2012) Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (11/30/2012)

This weel: a profile of civil rights champion Bryan Stevenson, an analysis of the Libor scandal, and much more.

Nov 30, 2012 / StudentNation / StudentNation

Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (11/23/2012) Interns’ Favorite Articles of the Week (11/23/2012)

This week: the ongoing fight against Citizens United, Obama's trip to Southeast Asia, and much more. 

Nov 26, 2012 / StudentNation / StudentNation
