Journalists and Journalism

The Putsch at Public Broadcasting The Putsch at Public Broadcasting

With professionals at the top forced out and replaced by GOP fundraisers, the right-wing takeover of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting is now plain to see. Though CPB's Inspe...

Dec 1, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman

Killing the Messenger Killing the Messenger

It's one thing for our State Department to plant phony stories in the media or jam broadcasts in Cuba. It's quite another for conservative policy analyst Frank Gaffney bolster's Ge...

Dec 1, 2005 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Did Bush Really Want to Bomb Al Jazeera? Did Bush Really Want to Bomb Al Jazeera?

Given the Administration's record of attacking Al Jazeera verbally and militarily, is it conceivable that President Bush tried to convince Tony Blair to bomb its international head...

Nov 23, 2005 / Feature / Jeremy Scahill

Scooter Libby’s Doomed Defense Scooter Libby’s Doomed Defense

Capitalizing on Bob Woodward's revelation that he was one of the first to learn about Valerie Plame's CIA status, Scooter Libby's legal team hopes that will get their client off th...

Nov 18, 2005 / Feature / Elizabeth de la Vega

The Lies That Bind The Lies That Bind

Lack of candor is not surprising from Bush or Ahmad Chalabi, but why does the New York Times continue to struggle with the truth about Judith Miller? The Gray Lady might solve the ...

Nov 17, 2005 / Column / Eric Alterman

Bush’s War on the Press Bush’s War on the Press

Until the Bush Administration is held accountable by Congress for its propaganda, manipulation of the truth and assaults on journalism, freedom of the press will exist in name only...

Nov 17, 2005 / John Nichols and Robert W. McChesney

More Leaks, Please! More Leaks, Please!

Power-friendly reporters like Judith Miller are easily manipulated by selective leaks. But what we need now is more civil disobedience by whistle-blowers exposing renditions, acts ...

Nov 17, 2005 / Bruce Shapiro

Postcards From the Abyss Postcards From the Abyss

Anthony Shadid's Night Draws Near is a moving account of life in Iraq before and after the US occupation. Liberal hawk George Packer's The Assasins' Gate delves into the history be...

Nov 10, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Chris Toensing

State of the Magazines State of the Magazines

On both sides of the Atlantic, liberal news magazines facing declining circulation have started to play into the celebrity culture. But there are gems that have the power to carry ...

Oct 27, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Victor Navasky

A Misguided Crusade A Misguided Crusade

The New York Times exposes its own misguided and unethical campaign to make a terrible reporter a First Amendment saint.

Oct 19, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
