Journalists and Journalism

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Letters From the September 24-October 1, 2018, Issue Letters From the September 24-October 1, 2018, Issue

‘68 Letdown What a gigantic disappointment the special 1968 issue, “Year of Global Insurrection” [Aug. 27/Sept. 3], must be for anyone who was actually alive and aware in ‘68 and e…

Aug 30, 2018 / Our Readers

Putin Index Finger

‘Vital’ US Moles in the Kremlin Go Missing! ‘Vital’ US Moles in the Kremlin Go Missing!

According to New York Times intel leakers, “informants close to” Putin have “gone silent.” What can it all mean?

Aug 29, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Trump in the Oval Office

The President Is a White-Nationalist Mob Boss—and His Base Doesn’t Care The President Is a White-Nationalist Mob Boss—and His Base Doesn’t Care

Diehard Trump supporters represent at most a quarter of the electorate, but dominate media discussions of the president’s standing. They shouldn’t.

Aug 27, 2018 / Joan Walsh

Manafort-Cohen Split

Why the Manafort and Cohen Convictions Are a Historic Turning Point Why the Manafort and Cohen Convictions Are a Historic Turning Point

If a pro-Trump juror can send Paul Manafort to jail, it’s a safe bet that other Trump voters will sooner or later follow the evidence too.

Aug 24, 2018 / Bruce Shapiro

Portrait of Shahidul Alam

Free Shahidul Alam, the Photographer of the ‘Majority World’ Free Shahidul Alam, the Photographer of the ‘Majority World’

The acclaimed Bangladeshi photographer, activist, and mentor remains in jail after speaking out against the government.

Aug 24, 2018 / Maia Hibbett

John Brennan

What the Brennan Affair Really Reveals What the Brennan Affair Really Reveals

Valorizing an ex-CIA director and bashing Trump obscures what is truly ominous.

Aug 22, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

President Donald Trump

Journalists Are Not the Enemy, Mr. President Journalists Are Not the Enemy, Mr. President

Americans who take seriously the democratic promise of the First Amendment must explicitly and consistently reject Trump’s attacks on freedom of the press.

Aug 16, 2018 / John Nichols

Mark Zuckerberg testifies to Congress

The Right Is Working the Ref Yet Again. This Time on Facebook—and It’s Working. The Right Is Working the Ref Yet Again. This Time on Facebook—and It’s Working.

Facebook caves to conservative critics by embracing Fox-friendly “news.”

Aug 16, 2018 / Column / Eric Alterman

Russia Sanctions Currency Exchange

Sanction Mania vs. Russia Sanction Mania vs. Russia

For nearly 100 years, Russia has been under US sanctions, often to the detriment of American national security.

Aug 15, 2018 / Stephen F. Cohen

Trump speaks to navy and shipyard personnel

Has Trump Ushered In a Golden Age for News Media? Has Trump Ushered In a Golden Age for News Media?

Nichols on journalism, Harold Meyerson on Brett Kavanaugh, and Nomi Prins on Trump and economic entropy.

Aug 9, 2018 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener
