The Case for Reparations (to Undocumented Workers) The Case for Reparations (to Undocumented Workers)
How do we calculate the uncompensated labor of Mexican and Central American migrants?
Dec 1, 2014 / Greg Grandin

Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either Why Living-Wage Laws Are Not Enough—and Minimum-Wage Laws Aren’t Either
Twenty years after the first living-wage law was passed in Baltimore, the campaign’s lead organizer warns that the model has been watered down.
Nov 25, 2014 / Jonathan Lange

Want a Living Wage? Work at McDonald’s… in Denmark Want a Living Wage? Work at McDonald’s… in Denmark
Can global solidarity between fast-food workers help raise the bar for all of them?
Nov 19, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Surprise: Whole Foods Is Not the World’s Greatest Employer Surprise: Whole Foods Is Not the World’s Greatest Employer
San Francisco employees of the green-capitalism giant are organizing themselves to fight for livable working conditions.
Nov 14, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Minimum-Wage Workers Just Got a Raise, but Will Bosses Steal It? Minimum-Wage Workers Just Got a Raise, but Will Bosses Steal It?
This year’s midterms raised the minimum wage in four states and two cities across the country—now it’s time to make sure those wages get paid.
Nov 7, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Higher Minimum Wages Just Passed in Four States and Two Cities Higher Minimum Wages Just Passed in Four States and Two Cities
Amid disappointing election results, progressives won big on one campaign: raising the minimum wage.
Nov 5, 2014 / Michelle Chen

What Happens When People—Rather Than Politicians—Are Given the Chance to Vote for a Higher Minimum Wage? What Happens When People—Rather Than Politicians—Are Given the Chance to Vote for a Higher Minimum Wage?
Who decides the minimum wage? In several ballot initiatives next week, the people will.
Oct 29, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Do You Realize How Dangerous It Is to Drive a Taxi? Do You Realize How Dangerous It Is to Drive a Taxi?
Taxi and livery drivers suffer homicide rates twenty to thirty times higher than other occupations.
Oct 24, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Workers Bring $15 Hourly Wage Challenge to Walmart Workers Bring $15 Hourly Wage Challenge to Walmart
In protests around the country on Thursday, Walmart workers presented a simple demand: full-time work at $15 an hour.
Oct 17, 2014 / Michelle Chen

What Lena Dunham Taught Us About Unpaid Labor—and What We Taught Ourselves What Lena Dunham Taught Us About Unpaid Labor—and What We Taught Ourselves
Millennial icon Lena Dunham’s relationship to unpaid labour is explored, contextualized and reframed by youth activists and media workers.
Oct 9, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation and Isabelle Nastasia