10,000 Workers Strike in Support of Hong Kong’s Protests 10,000 Workers Strike in Support of Hong Kong’s Protests
Can the protests go beyond calls for greater electoral transparency, to embrace a truly social democratic agenda?
Oct 1, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Bangladeshi Workers Organize to Protect Their Most Valuable Export: Themselves Bangladeshi Workers Organize to Protect Their Most Valuable Export: Themselves
Migrant domestic workers from Bangladesh enjoy little protection from their government, but they’re not alone.
Oct 1, 2014 / Tiffany Williams and Foreign Policy In Focus

Aging Jazz Artists Sound Note of Protest Aging Jazz Artists Sound Note of Protest
After decades of entertaining the city, most jazz artists remain pension-less—but Justice for Jazz Artists wants to change that.
Sep 22, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Why Immigration Reform Has to Go Hand-in-Hand With Stronger Labor Rights Why Immigration Reform Has to Go Hand-in-Hand With Stronger Labor Rights
The workers awaiting immigration reform need the ability to work legally, but they also need to be empowered at work.
Sep 8, 2014 / Michelle Chen

$15 and a Union: Fast-Food Workers Take Their Demands Nationwide $15 and a Union: Fast-Food Workers Take Their Demands Nationwide
Nearly two years since their mobilization began with about 200 workers in New York, fast-food workers are following through on their two key demands: a $15 hourly wage and a union....
Sep 5, 2014 / Michelle Chen

How Did New York Become the Most Unionized State in the Country? How Did New York Become the Most Unionized State in the Country?
Unions are more welcome in New York than most places in the country, but a revival of the labor movement will require new traditions of workplace activism.
Sep 3, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Let’s Tell Congress to Raise the Minimum Wage… Right Now! Let’s Tell Congress to Raise the Minimum Wage… Right Now!
Instead of waiting for the perfect Congress, Americans should demand that this imperfect Congress act before the election.
Sep 2, 2014 / John Nichols

Crain’s Red-Baits a Nurses Union Leader on Labor Day Crain’s Red-Baits a Nurses Union Leader on Labor Day
The business press still insists on equating strong union organizing with communism.
Sep 2, 2014 / Laura Flanders
Reconnecting With the Very American Ideal That Labor Rights Are Human Rights Reconnecting With the Very American Ideal That Labor Rights Are Human Rights
Keith Ellison and John Lewis are right: the US should recognize union organizing as a civil right.
Sep 1, 2014 / John Nichols

Minnesota Home Care Workers Unionize Minnesota Home Care Workers Unionize
Home healthcare workers in Minnesota just established a union, opening the door for negotiating higher wages.
Aug 29, 2014 / Michelle Chen