The True Meaning of Labor Day The True Meaning of Labor Day
For America’s workers, Labor Day marks more than the end of summer. It’s a reminder of the struggles we have won—and those that lie ahead.
Aug 29, 2014 / Mary Kay Henry

How a Good Employer Supports Union Busting How a Good Employer Supports Union Busting
Costco has cultivated a sterling reputation, but labor activists describe horrors down the supply chain.
Aug 15, 2014 / Andrew Elrod

Could Stronger Unions Make China More Democratic? Could Stronger Unions Make China More Democratic?
Chinese labor activist Han Dongfang thinks that democracy begins in the workplace.
Aug 11, 2014 / Michelle Chen

This Ruling Just Gave Workers a Big Boost in Their Fight Against McDonald’s This Ruling Just Gave Workers a Big Boost in Their Fight Against McDonald’s
The fast-food giant must now admit that it’s responsible for the people it employs.
Aug 1, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Why Are Postal Workers Boycotting Staples? Why Are Postal Workers Boycotting Staples?
Staples is at the center of a highly controversial “public-private partnership” deal to turn its counters into quasi-post offices.
Jul 28, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Is Canada’s New Anti–Sex Work Bill Unconstitutional? Is Canada’s New Anti–Sex Work Bill Unconstitutional?
The bill purports to target only those who purchase sex, but threatens to indirectly criminalize many of the services, spaces and personal interactions that would make it poss...
Jul 16, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Hobby Lobby Is Now Discriminating Against a Transgender Employee Hobby Lobby Is Now Discriminating Against a Transgender Employee
After being denied access to workplace facilities for being transgender, a Hobby Lobby employee is now pressing a discrimination case with the Illinois Human Rights Commission.
Jul 14, 2014 / Michelle Chen

A Grassroots Labor Uprising—at Your Bank? A Grassroots Labor Uprising—at Your Bank?
As a trade deal focusing on the financial sector is underway so too is a campaign to organize Wall Street’s rank-and-file.
Jul 9, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Wage Theft, Dangerous Conditions and Discrimination: Inside New York’s Food Industry Wage Theft, Dangerous Conditions and Discrimination: Inside New York’s Food Industry
A new report reveals the vast majority of workers are immigrants and people of color who earn about $8 less than the industry average.
Jul 1, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Supreme Court Ruling in ‘Harris v. Quinn’ Will Undermine Gains Made by Low-Wage Home Healthcare Workers Supreme Court Ruling in ‘Harris v. Quinn’ Will Undermine Gains Made by Low-Wage Home Healthcare Workers
Today’s ruling was not as devastating as labor advocates feared it would be, but nevertheless lays the groundwork for more sweeping attacks on unions.
Jun 30, 2014 / Michelle Chen