Labor Organizing

How to Write a New Organizing Playbook

How to Write a New Organizing Playbook How to Write a New Organizing Playbook

By starting with workers at the local level, we can bargain with employers despite weak labor laws.

Jun 18, 2014 / Feature / Sarita Gupta

What if We Treated Labor Like a Startup?

What if We Treated Labor Like a Startup? What if We Treated Labor Like a Startup?

We should move money toward innovation in the labor movement.

Jun 18, 2014 / Feature / David Rolf

How Women Are Shaping the Labor Movement and Winning Big

How Women Are Shaping the Labor Movement and Winning Big How Women Are Shaping the Labor Movement and Winning Big

And interview with Journalist Sheila Bapat on how domestic workers—mostly immigrant women and women of color—are winning labor protections nationwide.

Jun 12, 2014 / Dani McClain

What if Your Ability to Stay in This Country Depended on Your Employer?

What if Your Ability to Stay in This Country Depended on Your Employer? What if Your Ability to Stay in This Country Depended on Your Employer?

After losing her seasonal position, guestworker Maria Guzman decided to stand up to her former employer.

Jun 12, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Why Are Rhode Island Democrats Blocking Minimum-Wage Increases?

Why Are Rhode Island Democrats Blocking Minimum-Wage Increases? Why Are Rhode Island Democrats Blocking Minimum-Wage Increases?

With friends like this, who needs Republicans.

Jun 11, 2014 / Sam Adler-Bell

$15! A Great Big Wage Hike in Seattle, a Great Big Movement Nationally

$15! A Great Big Wage Hike in Seattle, a Great Big Movement Nationally $15! A Great Big Wage Hike in Seattle, a Great Big Movement Nationally

As a major city opts for a minimum wage that’s double the federal rate, what seemed an improbable goal gets very real.

Jun 2, 2014 / John Nichols

How Local Governments Are Using Their Purchasing Power to End Sweatshop Labor

How Local Governments Are Using Their Purchasing Power to End Sweatshop Labor How Local Governments Are Using Their Purchasing Power to End Sweatshop Labor

With the government's leverage as both a consumer and a steward of the public trust, the public sector can hold the line against the fashion industry’s race to the bottom

May 30, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Activists Invade the Guggenheim: Holding US Institutions Accountable for Labor Abuses in Abu Dhabi

Activists Invade the Guggenheim: Holding US Institutions Accountable for Labor Abuses in Abu Dhabi Activists Invade the Guggenheim: Holding US Institutions Accountable for Labor Abuses in Abu Dhabi

The disruption at the Guggenheim was just a visual articulation of global, grassroots demands rising outside the museum walls.

May 26, 2014 / Michelle Chen

The Fast-Food Worker Movement Has Gone Global

The Fast-Food Worker Movement Has Gone Global The Fast-Food Worker Movement Has Gone Global

In a show of international solidarity, scores of fast food workers in about thirty countries walked off the job to push for improved working conditions and higher wages.

May 16, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Why I Support the Fast-Food Workers Strike

Why I Support the Fast-Food Workers Strike Why I Support the Fast-Food Workers Strike

We are in the midst of a grassroots populist movement designed to rebalance the tilted economic scales in our country. 

May 15, 2014 / Rep. Keith Ellison
