Labor Organizing

Striking Verizon Workers Are an Example to Us All

Striking Verizon Workers Are an Example to Us All Striking Verizon Workers Are an Example to Us All

Like corporations across the country, Verizon is trying to slash wages and benefits despite rising profits—and all workers need to fight back.

Aug 17, 2011 / Lawrence Mishel

The Last of Wisconsin’s Recall Elections The Last of Wisconsin’s Recall Elections

After a summer of outside money and fake candidates, Wisconsin’s historic recall elections are finally over.

Aug 17, 2011 / Press Room

As Go Unions, So Goes The Middle Class As Go Unions, So Goes The Middle Class

The fate of America's unions and the fate of our middle class are inextricably intertwined.

Aug 10, 2011 / The Rachel Maddow Show

Sal Rosselli: Empowering the Labor Movement Sal Rosselli: Empowering the Labor Movement

Unions have no permanent political friends nor permanent political enemies. Unions only have permanent political issues.

Aug 4, 2011 / The Nation and On The Earth Productions

Can the UAW’s Bob King Bring Auto Union Power Back? Can the UAW’s Bob King Bring Auto Union Power Back?

King’s progressive credentials are impressive, but his popularity with members will be tested as he goes up against the Big Three in tough contract talks.

Aug 1, 2011 / David Moberg

Mike Elk: Labor Is Not One-Size-Fits-All Mike Elk: Labor Is Not One-Size-Fits-All

How are labor activists to negotiate organizing when there are so many practical risks, and often so few tangible rewards associated with the process?

Jul 19, 2011 / The Nation

Celebrating Woody Guthrie’s Birthday With Arlo and the Radical Version of ‘This Land…’ Celebrating Woody Guthrie’s Birthday With Arlo and the Radical Version of ‘This Land…’

In Wisconsin, union activists are joining Arlo Guthrie to sing the full version of "This Land Is Your Land" -- including the class-conscious, economic-justice lines.

Jul 14, 2011 / John Nichols

Domestic Workers Need Rights–but Can Working Families Afford What They’ll Cost? Domestic Workers Need Rights–but Can Working Families Afford What They’ll Cost?

As domestic workers win state-level struggles for workplace protections, their employers—many of them middle-class families—get stuck with the bill, while the governmen...

Jun 28, 2011 / Bryce Covert

Nurses March on Wall Street for Fair Taxes Nurses March on Wall Street for Fair Taxes

On June 22, several hundred nurses and progressive activists marched on Wall Street in New York demanding a new tax on financial transactions.  

Jun 24, 2011 / The Nation

A Great Big Win for Labor and (Real) National Security: 40,000 TSA Screeners Go Union

A Great Big Win for Labor and (Real) National Security: 40,000 TSA Screeners Go Union A Great Big Win for Labor and (Real) National Security: 40,000 TSA Screeners Go Union

Republican senators and the right-wing echo chamber did everything they could to prevent unionization of airport screeners. The union drive succeeded anyway.

Jun 23, 2011 / John Nichols
