Governor Walker Threatens to Fire Wisconsin Workers Governor Walker Threatens to Fire Wisconsin Workers
On The Ed Show Tuesday night, The Nation’s John Nichols discusses whether Republican Governor Scott Walker’s next move will be laying off teachers and other pub...
Feb 23, 2011 / Press Room
Students and Workers Join Together in Wisconsin Students and Workers Join Together in Wisconsin
In a new video from Madison, students, workers and activists explain the reasons they're fighting back against Scott Walker's anti-union legislation.
Feb 23, 2011 / On The Earth Productions
Wisconsin Protests Grow Beyond Madison Wisconsin Protests Grow Beyond Madison
John Nichols joins The Progressive's Matthew Rothschild on GRITtv to discuss the forces pushing for Wisconsin's union-busting legislation.
Feb 23, 2011 / GRITtv
Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Protests In Pictures Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Protests In Pictures
Shortly after taking office in January, Wisconsin’s new Republican Governor, Scott Walker, began an attack on public workers, submitting a proposal to strip public employees…
Feb 18, 2011 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Walkouts, Payouts and Lockouts Walkouts, Payouts and Lockouts
Why the NFL's labor dispute should matter to you.
Feb 17, 2011 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman
The Betrayal of Public Workers The Betrayal of Public Workers
It’s not only bad politics for states to use budget crises to bust unions—it’s also bad economics.
Feb 16, 2011 / Feature / Robert Pollin and Jeffrey Thompson
Labor’s Last Stand Labor’s Last Stand
As the showdown in Wisconsin demonstrates, progressives must embrace the government workers’ struggle as our own—or else.
Feb 16, 2011 / Feature / Jane McAlevey
A Conversation With Marshall Ganz A Conversation With Marshall Ganz
The legendary organizer speaks on the “story of the self” and where Obama went wrong.
Feb 3, 2011 / Feature / Sasha Abramsky
Widening Concern for Public Workers Widening Concern for Public Workers
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. died in Memphis where he was showing support for the right of public employees to organize and strike. We remember this, during a time when public...
Jan 13, 2011 / Laura Flanders
Mobilizing the Jobless Mobilizing the Jobless
More than 26 million Americans don't have enough work, while robber-baron CEOs report record profits. So why aren't the unemployed on the march?
Dec 22, 2010 / Frances Fox Piven