Labor Organizing

With Walker’s Budget Address, Wisconsin Protests Are About to Heat Up With Walker’s Budget Address, Wisconsin Protests Are About to Heat Up

Scott Walker's budget is expected, among other things, to be a huge blow to the public education system in the state.

Mar 1, 2011 / Video / The Ed Show

Michael Moore: A War Against the Middle Class in Wisconsin Michael Moore: A War Against the Middle Class in Wisconsin

Wisconsin's struggle is about more than unions, it's part of a larger campaign against he foundations of the American middle class.

Mar 1, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room

‘Shame!’ Wisconsin State Assembly Passes Walker’s Anti-Union Bill ‘Shame!’ Wisconsin State Assembly Passes Walker’s Anti-Union Bill

Inside the Wisconsin State Capitol, The Nation's John Nichols joins Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman to talk about the vote and what it means for protests throughout the countr...

Feb 25, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room

‘Shame!’ Wisconsin State Assembly Passes Walker’s Anti-Union Bill ‘Shame!’ Wisconsin State Assembly Passes Walker’s Anti-Union Bill

Inside the Wisconsin State Capitol, The Nation's John Nichols joins Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman to talk about the vote and what it means for protests throughout the country.

Feb 25, 2011 / Video / Democracy Now!

What’s the Matter With Wisconsin? What’s the Matter With Wisconsin?

Reed takes on the right-wing myths behind the Wisconsin union crackdown and readers react to the NFL labor dispute.

Feb 25, 2011 / Blog / Eric Alterman

Video: Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello on Union Workers Fighting Back Video: Rage Against the Machine’s Tom Morello on Union Workers Fighting Back

Morello has experienced first hand how the people of Wisconsin are taking the narrative back from right-wing politicians.

Feb 24, 2011 / Video / GRITtv and The Nation

Jesse Jackson in Wisconsin: Economic Justice Is a Civil Right Jesse Jackson in Wisconsin: Economic Justice Is a Civil Right

From Madison, the civil rights leader explains how the protests of working people in Wisconsin are deeply connected to the struggle for civil rights in America's past and present.

Feb 24, 2011 / Video / GRITtv and The Nation

Governor Walker Threatens to Fire Wisconsin Workers Governor Walker Threatens to Fire Wisconsin Workers

On The Ed Show Tuesday night, The Nation’s John Nichols discusses whether Republican Governor Scott Walker’s next move will be laying off teachers and other pub...

Feb 23, 2011 / Nation in the News / Press Room

Students and Workers Join Together in Wisconsin

Students and Workers Join Together in Wisconsin Students and Workers Join Together in Wisconsin

In a new video from Madison, students, workers and activists explain the reasons they're fighting back against Scott Walker's anti-union legislation.

Feb 23, 2011 / Video / On The Earth Productions

Wisconsin Protests Grow Beyond Madison Wisconsin Protests Grow Beyond Madison

John Nichols joins The Progressive's Matthew Rothschild on GRITtv to discuss the forces pushing for Wisconsin's union-busting legislation.

Feb 23, 2011 / Video / GRITtv
