
Trump and Pelosi

Don’t Fall for Trump’s Lie. Democrats Have Been Very Productive. Don’t Fall for Trump’s Lie. Democrats Have Been Very Productive.

Mitch McConnell and other Senate Republicans have blocked almost everything House Democrats have passed.

Feb 11, 2020 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

We’re California Graduate Students, and We’re Not Taking Poverty Wages Anymore

We’re California Graduate Students, and We’re Not Taking Poverty Wages Anymore We’re California Graduate Students, and We’re Not Taking Poverty Wages Anymore

It’s time for a wildcat strike.

Feb 10, 2020 / StudentNation / UC Santa Cruz Wildcat Strikers

Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters

Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters Sanders Surged in Iowa on a Wave of New Voters

Sanders closed the gap with votes from college campuses, mosques, and union halls, where newly organized and energized voters had his back.

Feb 7, 2020 / John Nichols

server puts out menus

New York Is Eliminating the Tipped Minimum Wage—Except for Restaurant Workers New York Is Eliminating the Tipped Minimum Wage—Except for Restaurant Workers

For workers who rely on tips, sexual harassment is part of the job. That’s why restaurant workers launched a campaign to end the tipped minimum wage.

Feb 7, 2020 / Bryce Covert

Doctors hold

Why Doctors Are Fighting Their Professional Organization Over Medicare for All Why Doctors Are Fighting Their Professional Organization Over Medicare for All

Calls for single-payer are coming from outside the American Medical Association—and show that doctors are not a single class of workers with a unified political view.

Feb 6, 2020 / Danielle Carr

How Can I Help My Mom’s Domestic Worker Get a Dignified Retirement?

How Can I Help My Mom’s Domestic Worker Get a Dignified Retirement? How Can I Help My Mom’s Domestic Worker Get a Dignified Retirement?

Another reader asks, “Why haven’t we gotten past restrictive gender roles around child care and socializing?”

Jan 31, 2020 / Liza Featherstone

A Witness to the Rise of Big Data

A Witness to the Rise of Big Data A Witness to the Rise of Big Data

Anna Wiener’s Uncanny Valley offers an insider’s look into how Silicon Valley start-ups changed not just our economy but also our culture and politics.

Jan 27, 2020 / Books & the Arts / Kevin Lozano

Mark Pocan Makes the Case That Sanders Is the Electable Candidate

Mark Pocan Makes the Case That Sanders Is the Electable Candidate Mark Pocan Makes the Case That Sanders Is the Electable Candidate

The Congressional Progressive Caucus cochair says Sanders can win Wisconsin and the other upper Midwest battleground states.

Jan 25, 2020 / John Nichols

The Biden Campaign Pushed Iowa Staffers to Drive in Dangerous Weather

The Biden Campaign Pushed Iowa Staffers to Drive in Dangerous Weather The Biden Campaign Pushed Iowa Staffers to Drive in Dangerous Weather

Leaked messages show staffers worrying about their safety on Iowa’s icy roads.

Jan 24, 2020 / Ken Klippenstein

Bernie Sanders Won’t Play Your Game

Bernie Sanders Won’t Play Your Game Bernie Sanders Won’t Play Your Game

Instead of accepting Trump’s trade deal and compromises on saving the planet, Sanders said in Tuesday’s debate, “We need some corporate responsibility here.”

Jan 15, 2020 / John Nichols
