Unions Are Finally Learning to Love the Green New Deal Unions Are Finally Learning to Love the Green New Deal
A blue-green coalition between organized labor and climate activists is no longer a pipe dream.
Jul 12, 2019 / Bob Massie

There Are Too Few Companies and Their Profits Are Too High There Are Too Few Companies and Their Profits Are Too High
As industries get more concentrated, businesses have to do less to earn more.
Jul 12, 2019 / Mike Konczal

What Happened When the EU Moved Its Fight to Stop Migration to Niger What Happened When the EU Moved Its Fight to Stop Migration to Niger
Overnight, an EU-backed law criminalized the main source of income in the city of Agadez. It didn’t stop migration, but it wrecked the economy.
Jul 5, 2019 / Rémi Carayol

VIDEO: A General Strike Is Possible, but We Have to Work for It VIDEO: A General Strike Is Possible, but We Have to Work for It
Jane McAlevey, The Nation’s strikes correspondent, explains how strikes will be vital in confronting runaway income inequality and the climate crisis.
Jul 3, 2019 / The Nation

Democratic Candidates Are Ignoring One of the Year’s Biggest Labor Disputes Democratic Candidates Are Ignoring One of the Year’s Biggest Labor Disputes
Their hunger for Hollywood money is leading them to duck the important fight between the Writers Guild of America and the Association of Talent Agents.
Jul 3, 2019 / Keli Goff

Wayfair Workers Walk Out Wayfair Workers Walk Out
Their action showed how workers can wield their collective power to fight injustice outside of the workplace itself.
Jun 28, 2019 / Natalie Shure

It’s 2019: Why Do LGBTQ Americans Still Lack Basic Civil Rights Protections? It’s 2019: Why Do LGBTQ Americans Still Lack Basic Civil Rights Protections?
As we celebrate Stonewall’s 50th anniversary, it’s time to pass the Equality Act and make anti-LGBTQ discrimination illegal.
Jun 26, 2019 / Senator Tammy Baldwin

The Seasons After the Arab Spring The Seasons After the Arab Spring
Recent uprisings in Sudan and Algeria have avoided mistakes of 2011.
Jun 25, 2019 / Gilbert Achcar

Why the UAW Lost Another Election in Tennessee Why the UAW Lost Another Election in Tennessee
Officials offered a soft-serve variation of a union instead of the real thing.
Jun 19, 2019 / Chris Brooks

Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire’s Raid on the University of Tulsa Corporate Wolves in Academic Sheepskins, or, a Billionaire’s Raid on the University of Tulsa
This sordid tale of crony capitalism under the guise of public philanthropy is another chapter in the corporatization of higher ed.
Jun 18, 2019 / StudentNation / Jacob Howland