South Africa’s ‘Marikana Moment’ South Africa’s ‘Marikana Moment’
The massacre of striking miners marked a tipping point, with the African National Congress moving closer to becoming just another party in power, rather than a liberation movement.
Sep 19, 2012 / Mark Gevisser
After 225 Years, It’s Time to Respect the Constitutional Rights of Workers After 225 Years, It’s Time to Respect the Constitutional Rights of Workers
The overturn of Scott Walker’s anti-labor law reminds us that workers and their unions have a right to equal protection under the law.
Sep 17, 2012 / John Nichols
Wisconsin Judge Rules Walker’s Anti-Labor Law ‘Null and Void’ Wisconsin Judge Rules Walker’s Anti-Labor Law ‘Null and Void’
“Collective bargaining has been restored for teachers across Wisconsin, for municipal employees across Wisconsin,” says a key union leader.
Sep 15, 2012 / John Nichols
As Deal Nears, Major Wins Are Likely for Chicago Teachers As Deal Nears, Major Wins Are Likely for Chicago Teachers
Teachers in Chicago realize that they are striking a blow for the preservation of public education across the country.
Sep 14, 2012 / Matthew Cunningham-Cook
Strike Against Inequality Strike Against Inequality
A strike in the country's most segregated school district is about more than union politics.
Sep 14, 2012 / StudentNation / Christie Thompson
Isolating America’s Workers Isolating America’s Workers
The pendulum swings hard against the rights of labor.
Sep 13, 2012 / Feature / Craig Becker and Judith Scott
Two Lockouts, a Strike and a Pizza Two Lockouts, a Strike and a Pizza
Chicago teachers, NFL referees and NHL players have one thing in common: they are learning that there are two sets of rules in twenty-first-century America.
Sep 13, 2012 / Dave Zirin
Chicago Teachers Push Back Against Neoliberal Education Reform Chicago Teachers Push Back Against Neoliberal Education Reform
In Chicago, teachers aren’t just fighting for a fair contract—they’re fighting to stop the education reform agenda that dominates the national debate.
Sep 11, 2012 / Matthew Cunningham-Cook
Why Strike? Hear It From a Chicago Teacher (VIDEO) Why Strike? Hear It From a Chicago Teacher (VIDEO)
Twenty-six thousand teachers and school staff are expected to join the picket lines in Chicago Monday. Why?
Sep 10, 2012 / Laura Flanders
Obama Manufactures an Argument for His Re-election Obama Manufactures an Argument for His Re-election
Obama promised a million new industrial jobs if he is re-elected. That's smart politics. But he should be listening to fellow Democrats who back fair trade and serious industrial p...
Sep 7, 2012 / John Nichols