
Occupy Activists Resurrect May Day for Americans

Occupy Activists Resurrect May Day for Americans Occupy Activists Resurrect May Day for Americans

Outside the US, May 1 is international workers’ day. Unions, immigrant activists and Occupiers are now resurrecting May Day for Americans. 

Apr 27, 2012 / Peter Dreier

Scott Walker’s Austerity Agenda Yields ‘Worst Job Losses in US’ Scott Walker’s Austerity Agenda Yields ‘Worst Job Losses in US’

Walker’s Wisconsin is the only state in the United States with “statistically significant” job losses over the past year. Attacks on public employees, public educ...

Apr 27, 2012 / John Nichols

Gabriel Thompson: How the USDA Is Endangering Workers’ Health

Gabriel Thompson: How the USDA Is Endangering Workers’ Health Gabriel Thompson: How the USDA Is Endangering Workers’ Health

The USDA proposes to increase the line speed at poultry plants, which could endanger employees who already work long hours doing repetitive hand motions.

Apr 26, 2012 / The Nation

What Teachers Want

What Teachers Want What Teachers Want

New studies show that many teachers are unhappy in their jobs—and in this climate of austerity, it's no wonder.

Apr 25, 2012 / Dana Goldstein

Will People Power Defeat Scott Walker and His Cronies? Will People Power Defeat Scott Walker and His Cronies?

The protests in Wisconsin have inspired a new generation of candidates—and they’re winning.

Apr 25, 2012 / Feature / John Nichols

New Rules Mean New Hardship for Poultry Workers

New Rules Mean New Hardship for Poultry Workers New Rules Mean New Hardship for Poultry Workers

The USDA proposes to increase line speed in poultry plants, but the debate is only about food safety. What about the workers?

Apr 25, 2012 / Feature / Gabriel Thompson

Two Blue Dogs Defeated in Pennsylvania Primaries

Two Blue Dogs Defeated in Pennsylvania Primaries Two Blue Dogs Defeated in Pennsylvania Primaries

Democratic congressmen who voted with Republicans on budget issues—and opposed healthcare reform—lost in primaries where populist economic messages won out.

Apr 25, 2012 / John Nichols

Marina Sitrin: Imagining a New General Strike

Marina Sitrin: Imagining a New General Strike Marina Sitrin: Imagining a New General Strike

What are some alternative tactics to create a different, more powerful general strike?

Apr 24, 2012 / Francis Reynolds

John Nichols: The Power of the General Strike

John Nichols: The Power of the General Strike John Nichols: The Power of the General Strike

What can a general strike do for workers and their rights?

Apr 23, 2012 / Francis Reynolds

How Mississippi’s Black/Brown Strategy Beat the South’s Anti-Immigrant Wave How Mississippi’s Black/Brown Strategy Beat the South’s Anti-Immigrant Wave

A campaign that brought together African-Americans and undocumented workers stopped an anti-immigrant bill in its tracks.

Apr 20, 2012 / David Bacon
