This Week in Poverty: Obama’s Budget, Your Server’s Budget This Week in Poverty: Obama’s Budget, Your Server’s Budget
If Obama wants his actions to match his rhetoric about helping the poor, he needs to show a lot more leadership.
Feb 17, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
Apple’s China Comes Home to Haunt Us Apple’s China Comes Home to Haunt Us
It seems China’s labor practices are now to be admired rather than scorned, lest the American economy decline further in the new world order.
Feb 16, 2012 / Robert Scheer
Obama in Wisconsin: The Soft Economics of Low Expectations Obama in Wisconsin: The Soft Economics of Low Expectations
The president returned to the battleground state of Wisconsin and gave a well-received speech. But he avoided hot-button labor issues and the trade and industrial policies tha...
Feb 16, 2012 / John Nichols
Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Uprising, One Year Later Slide Show: Wisconsin’s Uprising, One Year Later
When Governor Walker announced his proposal to strip public employees of most collective bargaining rights on February 11, 2011—little over a month after taking office—…
Feb 14, 2012 / Photo Essay / The Nation
Tip Your Servers This Valentine’s Day Tip Your Servers This Valentine’s Day
In the restaurant industry, the wage gap between men and women is a matter of policy. Millions of the restaurant workers who serve our food cannot afford to eat.
Feb 14, 2012 / Laura Flanders
Twenty-Five Faces of an American Uprising Twenty-Five Faces of an American Uprising
Wisconsin groups and activists have for a full year maintained an epic mass mobilzation on behalf of labor rights.
Feb 14, 2012 / John Nichols
Koch Brothers, ALEC, Governor Walker Renew the Reagan Delusion Koch Brothers, ALEC, Governor Walker Renew the Reagan Delusion
Wisconsin's Scott Walker is positioning himself as the next Reagan by making union-busting a GOP sacrament. Conservatives are eating it up. But will a recall derail him?
Feb 11, 2012 / John Nichols
This Week in Poverty: Perfect Storm Threatens Long-Term Unemployed This Week in Poverty: Perfect Storm Threatens Long-Term Unemployed
Federal and state proposals to reduce unemployment benefits or make them harder to obtain place millions of unemployed people at risk of falling into poverty.
Feb 10, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
Rocky Recovery for Women Rocky Recovery for Women
Although men account for 70 percent of jobs lost between December 2007 and June 2009, they have won 92 percent of the jobs created since. From “man-cession,” we’v...
Feb 8, 2012 / Laura Flanders
Chrysler Super Bowl Ad Edits Out Wisconsin Union Signs Chrysler Super Bowl Ad Edits Out Wisconsin Union Signs
Clint Eastwood talked up American workers in a moving Super Bowl ad, but images from Madison protests were altered to leave out teachers' union signs.
Feb 6, 2012 / John Nichols