
Koch Brothers, ALEC, Governor Walker Renew the Reagan Delusion Koch Brothers, ALEC, Governor Walker Renew the Reagan Delusion

Wisconsin's Scott Walker is positioning himself as the next Reagan by making union-busting a GOP sacrament. Conservatives are eating it up. But will a recall derail him?

Feb 11, 2012 / John Nichols

This Week in Poverty: Perfect Storm Threatens Long-Term Unemployed This Week in Poverty: Perfect Storm Threatens Long-Term Unemployed

Federal and state proposals to reduce unemployment benefits or make them harder to obtain place millions of unemployed people at risk of falling into poverty.

Feb 10, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Rocky Recovery for Women Rocky Recovery for Women

Although men account for 70 percent of jobs lost between December 2007 and June 2009, they have won 92 percent of the jobs created since. From “man-cession,” we’v...

Feb 8, 2012 / Laura Flanders

Chrysler Super Bowl Ad Edits Out Wisconsin Union Signs

Chrysler Super Bowl Ad Edits Out Wisconsin Union Signs Chrysler Super Bowl Ad Edits Out Wisconsin Union Signs

Clint Eastwood talked up American workers in a moving Super Bowl ad, but images from Madison protests were altered to leave out teachers' union signs.

Feb 6, 2012 / John Nichols

John Nichols: Governor Walker and the Koch Brothers Are Behind Arizona’s Fight Against Unions John Nichols: Governor Walker and the Koch Brothers Are Behind Arizona’s Fight Against Unions

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has not limited the assault on collective bargaining to his own state.

Feb 3, 2012 / Press Room

How Scott Walker and ALEC Plotted the Attack on Arizona’s Unions How Scott Walker and ALEC Plotted the Attack on Arizona’s Unions

Wisconsin’s union-busting governor traveled to Arizona and urged conservatives to join him in fighting public-employee unions. Now, the group he addressed is spearheading an ...

Feb 2, 2012 / John Nichols

The Deal That Saved Detroit (and Banned Strikes) The Deal That Saved Detroit (and Banned Strikes)

The Deal with Detroit is gold dust for Democrats. Reality is a bit more complicated.

Feb 2, 2012 / Laura Flanders

Sure, Apple Could Build the iPhone Here

Sure, Apple Could Build the iPhone Here Sure, Apple Could Build the iPhone Here

Steve Jobs told Obama that Apple manufacturing jobs are never coming back to the US. Really?

Jan 31, 2012 / Column / Alexander Cockburn

Wisconsin ‘John Doe’ Probe: What Did Walker Know? When Did He Know It? Wisconsin ‘John Doe’ Probe: What Did Walker Know? When Did He Know It?

As two more aides to Scott Walker are charged in “John Doe” probe that reveals massive illegal fundraising, the anti-labor governor heads toward a recall election with ...

Jan 26, 2012 / John Nichols

Wisconsin Rises Up Against Walker

Wisconsin Rises Up Against Walker Wisconsin Rises Up Against Walker

What does democracy look like? Try a grassroots campaign organized by ordinary citizens to recall their union-busting governor.

Jan 25, 2012 / John Nichols
