
When Is It Time for a General Strike? When Is It Time for a General Strike?

Sometimes things fall apart and sometime they flow together. As the Wisconsin State Senate rammed through their union-busting bill Wednesday night, people in the capitol chant...

Mar 10, 2011 / Laura Flanders

Showdown in Wisconsin Showdown in Wisconsin

The mass mobilization in Wisconsin was powerful. But Governor Scott Walker remained determined to disempower unions.

Mar 10, 2011 / John Nichols

Vermont’s Struggle for Single-Payer Healthcare Vermont’s Struggle for Single-Payer Healthcare

Could the Green Mountain state be the first in the country to offer accessible healthcare to all its citizens?

Mar 10, 2011 / Feature / Steve Early

Wisconsin: The Conservative Class War, Part III Wisconsin: The Conservative Class War, Part III

In Wisconsin and elsewhere, attacks on unions aren’t about budget savings. They're about dismantling the final barrier to the domination of American politics by the power of ...

Mar 10, 2011 / Column / Eric Alterman

Scott Walker Puts Out Fire With Gasoline Scott Walker Puts Out Fire With Gasoline

Scott Walker has taken Wisconsin, a state so chock-full of “Midwestern nice,” you need insulin after talking to the locals, and turned it into a place where people are ...

Mar 10, 2011 / Dave Zirin

‘Shame!’ Legislators Approve Wisconsin Governor’s Anti-Worker Agenda

‘Shame!’ Legislators Approve Wisconsin Governor’s Anti-Worker Agenda ‘Shame!’ Legislators Approve Wisconsin Governor’s Anti-Worker Agenda

As Republicans game the system to pass Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's anti-union legislation, the senior member of the state senate says: “They have not just bent the law....

Mar 10, 2011 / John Nichols

Naomi Klein: Wisconsin’s Shock Doctrine Naomi Klein: Wisconsin’s Shock Doctrine

The GOP is manipulating the current financial situation to push through unpopular policies that would have never gotten them elected.

Mar 9, 2011 / Press Room

What Michael Moore ‘Gets’ About Wisconsin… and America What Michael Moore ‘Gets’ About Wisconsin… and America

At the end of "Capitalism: A Love Story," Michael Moore issued a poignant call to action against bankster excess and corporate abuse. In Wisconsin, he got the response he...

Mar 9, 2011 / John Nichols

The Only Constitutional Crisis In Wisconsin Is the One the Governor’s Consigliere Is Creating The Only Constitutional Crisis In Wisconsin Is the One the Governor’s Consigliere Is Creating

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Republican legislators want to arrest and punish Democrats who disagree with them. Walker’s lieutenant says the state’s on the ...

Mar 7, 2011 / John Nichols

Tens of Thousands Cheer Michael Moore in Madison: ‘You Have Aroused a Sleeping Giant, Known as the Working People’ Tens of Thousands Cheer Michael Moore in Madison: ‘You Have Aroused a Sleeping Giant, Known as the Working People’

“This movement--we'll call it the ‘Madison Movement’ (after both the town where it was born and the president who wrote our Bill of Rights) is exploding across th...

Mar 5, 2011 / John Nichols
