
Take Action Now: Strike a Blow Against the NRA

Take Action Now: Strike a Blow Against the NRA Take Action Now: Strike a Blow Against the NRA

Fight for universal background checks, join a gun control group, and push your congressperson on impeachment.

Oct 1, 2019 / NationAction

Undocumented Poets and Writers Are Vital to the Struggle for Migrant Justice

Undocumented Poets and Writers Are Vital to the Struggle for Migrant Justice Undocumented Poets and Writers Are Vital to the Struggle for Migrant Justice

Undocumented people are too often silenced—it’s time we listened to their voices.

Oct 1, 2019 / Christopher Soto

Is the Tax on Tampons Unconstitutional?

Is the Tax on Tampons Unconstitutional? Is the Tax on Tampons Unconstitutional?

The group Period Equity says yes—and is pushing lawsuits to repeal it in 35 states.

Oct 1, 2019 / Molly Minta

It’s Time to Unite Around the Constitution

It’s Time to Unite Around the Constitution It’s Time to Unite Around the Constitution

Hey, GOP, that means you.

Sep 30, 2019 / John Nichols

El Paso vigil

In El Paso, a Loving Community Living in Fear In El Paso, a Loving Community Living in Fear

It will take more than a repudiation of racism and white nationalism for El Paso to heal.

Sep 30, 2019 / Edith Tapia and Ariana Sawyer

Impeachment Is Winning

Impeachment Is Winning Impeachment Is Winning

Trump will likely be impeached. And it will likely end his presidency—if not in the Senate, then in 2020.

Sep 27, 2019 / John Nichols


UN Accuses US-Allied Forces of War Crimes in Syria UN Accuses US-Allied Forces of War Crimes in Syria

US generals are seemingly unaware of the allegations or whether they leveled Syrian villages.

Sep 27, 2019 / Nick Turse

black farmers

Black Lands Matter: The Movement to Transform Heirs’ Property Laws Black Lands Matter: The Movement to Transform Heirs’ Property Laws

Legal loopholes stripped millions of acres of land from black families, but a campaign to rewrite the rules is gaining momentum.

Sep 25, 2019 / Michelle Chen

She Was a Progressive Darling for Years. Now She’s Facing 4 Primary Challenges From the Left.

She Was a Progressive Darling for Years. Now She’s Facing 4 Primary Challenges From the Left. She Was a Progressive Darling for Years. Now She’s Facing 4 Primary Challenges From the Left.

New York’s young leftists are coming for longtime Democratic congresswoman Carolyn Maloney.

Sep 25, 2019 / Raina Lipsitz

Pelosi Announces an Impeachment Inquiry. Now Congress Has to Get It Right

Pelosi Announces an Impeachment Inquiry. Now Congress Has to Get It Right Pelosi Announces an Impeachment Inquiry. Now Congress Has to Get It Right

Five things to keep in mind, now that Speaker Pelosi says that “the president must be held accountable.”

Sep 24, 2019 / John Nichols
