
Anti-Nuclear War Demonstration

The Nuclear Posture Review Signals a New Arms Race The Nuclear Posture Review Signals a New Arms Race

We need to revive momentum for reducing nuclear weapons, not for “modernizing” them.

Feb 13, 2018 / Katrina vanden Heuvel


Shoved Aside Again, DACA Activists Keep Fighting Shoved Aside Again, DACA Activists Keep Fighting

To undocumented youth activists, public gestures by Democrats ring hollow.

Feb 9, 2018 / Julianne Hing

Waldhauser at AFRICOM

The Pentagon Sent $500 Million Abroad for International Drug Wars. What Happened Next Is a Mystery. The Pentagon Sent $500 Million Abroad for International Drug Wars. What Happened Next Is a Mystery.

A report by the Defense Department’s inspector general raises questions about a combatant command with a history of scandals.

Feb 8, 2018 / Nick Turse

Undocumented youth

The Way We Talk About Immigration Is Profane The Way We Talk About Immigration Is Profane

Trump’s “shithole” remarks only scratch the surface.

Feb 7, 2018 / Column / Kai Wright

Kevin de León

Meet Kevin de León—the Next Senator From California? Meet Kevin de León—the Next Senator From California?

He’s challenging incumbent Dianne Feinstein on foreign policy, immigration, and the national-surveillance state.

Feb 7, 2018 / Q&A / Sasha Abramsky

Stop Trump’s Infrastructure Scam

Stop Trump’s Infrastructure Scam Stop Trump’s Infrastructure Scam

You can also join a campaign to make your community fossil fuel–free or show up to fight attacks on immigrant communities. 

Feb 6, 2018 / NationAction

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

A Warm Hello From Your Friendly Neighborhood ICE Agent A Warm Hello From Your Friendly Neighborhood ICE Agent

He’ll deport your kids. Just kidding!

Feb 6, 2018 / Tom Tomorrow

Devin Nunes

The Nunes Memo Shows Real Problems With the FBI, but Not the Ones the GOP Thinks The Nunes Memo Shows Real Problems With the FBI, but Not the Ones the GOP Thinks

How FISA and the Patriot Act enable wide-ranging spying on Americans.

Feb 5, 2018 / David K. Shipler

Trump and Ryan

Paul Ryan and Devin Nunes Are Betraying the Constitution in the Service of Donald Trump Paul Ryan and Devin Nunes Are Betraying the Constitution in the Service of Donald Trump

The Speaker of the House has abandoned his duty to defend the authority of the House in order to serve as an agent of the president.

Feb 2, 2018 / John Nichols

Nicaragua Women's March

Why Is Nicaragua’s Homicide Rate So Far Below That of Its Central American Neighbors? Why Is Nicaragua’s Homicide Rate So Far Below That of Its Central American Neighbors?

It’s the revolution, stupid—which fostered innovative policing, along with the dedicated work of community organizers and women activists.

Feb 2, 2018 / Roberto Lovato
