
tammy baldwin fierce

Senator Tammy Baldwin Just Destroyed Scott Walker on Twitter Senator Tammy Baldwin Just Destroyed Scott Walker on Twitter

The Wisconsin governor apparently didn’t like it, because he threw a 16-tweet-long tantrum in response.

Feb 3, 2017 / John Nichols

About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes…

About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes… About That Kissinger Quote Neil Gorsuch Likes…

A joke? Who was it that said the use of jokes “points the way to their future uses”? It’s Götterdämmerung time.

Feb 3, 2017 / Greg Grandin

Borough Hall Trump Ban Protest

Yemeni Bodega Owners Strike to Say ‘We Are America’ Yemeni Bodega Owners Strike to Say ‘We Are America’

Among the thousands who gathered in Brooklyn were many whose families had been directly affected by Trump’s immigration bans.

Feb 3, 2017 / Julianne Hing

Everything Donald Trump Did in His Second Week as President

Everything Donald Trump Did in His Second Week as President Everything Donald Trump Did in His Second Week as President

A botched military raid in Yemen, a two-for-one regulatory gimmick, and the appointment of a new deputy director at the CIA who oversaw torture.

Feb 3, 2017 / Zoë Carpenter and George Zornick

Yemeni community strike

New York’s Immigrants Aren’t Done With Trump New York’s Immigrants Aren’t Done With Trump

Are the outspoken protests by working-class immigrants the beginning of a powerful new front against Trump?

Feb 3, 2017 / Michelle Chen

How the US Tests Out Some of Its Most Oppressive Domestic Policies on the World

How the US Tests Out Some of Its Most Oppressive Domestic Policies on the World How the US Tests Out Some of Its Most Oppressive Domestic Policies on the World

From reproductive rights to incarceration, the rest of the globe has been a laboratory for some of our country’s  worst policies.

Feb 2, 2017 / Michelle Chen

Barack Obama

Barack Obama Radically Expanded Our Appreciation of African-American History Barack Obama Radically Expanded Our Appreciation of African-American History

By preserving sites that have been central to the black experience, Obama helped revitalize our civic religion.

Feb 2, 2017 / Robert Greene II

one yemen

Hundreds of New York Bodegas Are on Strike Today Against Trump’s Muslim Ban Hundreds of New York Bodegas Are on Strike Today Against Trump’s Muslim Ban

The Yemeni-American diaspora is hitting back against the new administration’s Islamophobic travel ban.

Feb 2, 2017 / Atossa Araxia Abrahamian

Neil Gorsuch

To Avert Disaster, the Senate Must Reject Neil Gorsuch To Avert Disaster, the Senate Must Reject Neil Gorsuch

President Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court is a radical choice at a pivotal moment.

Feb 2, 2017 / Nan Aron

Neil Gorsuch

How Far Outside the Legal Mainstream Is Neil Gorsuch? How Far Outside the Legal Mainstream Is Neil Gorsuch?

David Cole on Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, Zoë Carpenter on Trump’s actions, and John Nichols on a victory against gerrymandering.

Feb 2, 2017 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener
