The Era of Rogue Justice After 9/11 The Era of Rogue Justice After 9/11
We came perilously close to losing our Bill of Rights protections—and the struggle to restore them is not over.
May 25, 2016 / Feature / Karen J. Greenberg

This Will Be a Historic (and Terrifying) Election for Gun Control This Will Be a Historic (and Terrifying) Election for Gun Control
Donald Trump is willing to go where few other presidential candidates have gone when it comes to gun rights.
May 24, 2016 / George Zornick

When Donald Trump Says His Foreign Policy Is ‘America First’—What Exactly Does He Mean? When Donald Trump Says His Foreign Policy Is ‘America First’—What Exactly Does He Mean?
Four experts consider how exactly Trump might go about making America great again.
May 24, 2016 / Sherle R. Schwenninger, Heather Hurlburt, Stephen Kinzer, and Juan Cole

6 Ways Good Data Could Prevent Tragedies Like Freddie Gray’s Death 6 Ways Good Data Could Prevent Tragedies Like Freddie Gray’s Death
The old adage “we treasure what we measure” is the key to truly reforming law enforcement.
May 23, 2016 / Judi Komaki

North Carolina’s Discriminatory Bathroom Law May Also Worsen Economic Inequality North Carolina’s Discriminatory Bathroom Law May Also Worsen Economic Inequality
HB2 could prevent cities and counties from passing pro-worker policies, including minimum-wage increases and paid-family-leave laws.
May 20, 2016 / Ashe McGovern

What the US Could Learn From Justin Trudeau About Saying ‘Sorry’ What the US Could Learn From Justin Trudeau About Saying ‘Sorry’
Rather than engaging in rhetoric targeting immigrants and Muslims, we should make substantive amends for past xenophobia.
May 20, 2016 / Deepa Iyer

When Religious Exemptions Are a Menace to Public Health When Religious Exemptions Are a Menace to Public Health
The Zika virus shows just how dangerous it is to let religious authority determine public policy.
May 20, 2016 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

American Military Technology Has Come Home—to Your Local Police Force American Military Technology Has Come Home—to Your Local Police Force
Just as the military rarely discloses its war secrets and tactics, the police are also secretly exploiting these new technologies.
May 19, 2016 / Matthew Harwood and Jay Stanley

Join the Campaign to Free Mohamedou Slahi, Detained at Guantánamo for 14 Years Without Charge Join the Campaign to Free Mohamedou Slahi, Detained at Guantánamo for 14 Years Without Charge
The author of Guantánamo Diary may finally have a chance at freedom.
May 19, 2016 / NationAction

In Cosmopolitan Vienna, It’s Easy to Miss the Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Surging Across Austria In Cosmopolitan Vienna, It’s Easy to Miss the Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Surging Across Austria
Even conservative Austrians want a generous welfare state—but, increasingly, they don’t want it for new arrivals.
May 19, 2016 / Column / Katha Pollitt