The Junior Militiaman Anti-Government Playset The Junior Militiaman Anti-Government Playset
Now with real firearms!
Jan 12, 2016 / Tom Tomorrow

What the Pathetic Case Against Rentboy.com Says About Sex Work What the Pathetic Case Against Rentboy.com Says About Sex Work
Without victims or allegations of trafficking or coercion, the case against Rentboy is particularly weak. It’s also drawn new groups into the movement to decriminalize sex work.
Jan 7, 2016 / Lisa Duggan

Start Making Sense: Rahm Emanuel Must Go Start Making Sense: Rahm Emanuel Must Go
Rick Perlstein on the Chicago mayor; Adam Gopnik and Amy Wilentz on Charlie Hebdo; and Rebecca Solnit on climate change in the Himalayas.
Jan 7, 2016 / Podcast / Start Making Sense and Jon Wiener

Asking for a Friend: Can I Steal From Chain Stores to Feed Myself? Asking for a Friend: Can I Steal From Chain Stores to Feed Myself?
Liza discusses the morality of shoplifting when you’re hungry and how to talk to children about racism and police brutality.
Jan 7, 2016 / Liza Featherstone

This Supreme Court Case Could Make All Public Unions ‘Right to Work’ This Supreme Court Case Could Make All Public Unions ‘Right to Work’
The legal foundations of thousands of public-sector bargaining agreements could soon disappear.
Jan 7, 2016 / The Editors

Letters From the January 25–February 1, 2016, Issue Letters From the January 25–February 1, 2016, Issue
Nader haters and lovers… ties that unbind… cold war, hot debate… exchange with Tim Shorrock (web-only)…
Jan 7, 2016 / Our Readers and Tim Shorrock

Sanders Promises to Break Up Big Banks, Tax Speculation, and Establish Postal Banking Sanders Promises to Break Up Big Banks, Tax Speculation, and Establish Postal Banking
“I will rein in Wall Street so they can’t crash our economy again,” the senator declares.
Jan 5, 2016 / John Nichols

Could Machine Guns Become Totally Legal? Could Machine Guns Become Totally Legal?
Despite President Obama’s new executive orders, the gun lobby is still playing offense.
Jan 5, 2016 / George Zornick

Why ISIS Is the Minor Leagues of Terror Why ISIS Is the Minor Leagues of Terror
Putting threats into perspective for 2016.
Jan 5, 2016 / Tom Engelhardt

California Could Sound the Loudest Call Yet for Overturning ‘Citizens United’ California Could Sound the Loudest Call Yet for Overturning ‘Citizens United’
The California Supreme Court clears the way for voters to demand a constitutional amendment to get big money out of politics.
Jan 5, 2016 / John Nichols